
Do they show the bodies being removed from the water

California dems are straight up all about the hammer and sickle.

Crazy how people who know about 9/11 and all the hoaxes. Yet when you talk NASA being bullshit or maybe the earth is not a globe. They instantly ignore it and call it psyop.

Great upload, NASA is by far a wrose than cancer and aids combined

Give me an example of him lying on purpose. To compare jeran to Alex is just stupid, how did you come to that conclusion.

OK now ..................................JASON BOSS pay attention .................... Reszneki might have an account on here . This is the second strange downvote I’ve seen today .

Ahhhh............... I don’t know , man .......................... I think that guy actually really WANTED to touch the Hogg . Lol

Nice! Thamina Stoll..Is it any way to get membership or closed atm?

Half of these people are probably accomplices to this madness

Andy Parker is on the list. Same Andy Parker whose alleged daughter is the Allison Parker newsgirl who took a handful of shots to the torso from a magnum at close up and ran away. The Andy Parker who was in the Raisin Brand commercial? Ooooohhhhhhh weeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!

N350LH Is 21 (777) If broken up N350 IS 13 And LH Is 11

Great mirror!! Earth is flat

if the first one is over 25 I want to marry her!

This kid is talking so much shite? rnHe wants His mouth wiping with toilet paper.

surprised it can survive on youtube with pozner and his gayng.

looks just like him it must of been you who I first learned it from thank you

Always wanted to get joe in a ring. lol or an alley.. haha! Almost posted this with some other nonsense from him but.. meh..

Ack bumped the key.. You know its BS when a royal family member is another one. Many good sites for areial shots of the "bottom" of the "ball".. obviously not sats as we know but loons/drone etc.. they all show nada in the strip photos or just conveniently dont show anything. Always a "tech erro" when it comes to the exact data/photo/imgages we all would LOVE to see.. Check out the iron republic. Maybe maybe not.. but one thing is for sure, its not a ball buzzing thru "space". nor is it spinning.. There is much hidden.. Good luck on your journey man. Peacern

Oh yeah mirrored that video. Last time i checked its what was presented to us. It does not even show the shooting part. I guess it is so pathetically obvious it was staged.

were these taken down from his JT channel? And yes.. its all rubbish BS. There is NO n/s navigation nor has ever been. Only 3 men and all under bs circumstances.. "Zpilot" guy was the worst:/ .. You know its