
Why Did they take your video off of here,I Thought they didn’t do that here.

Do yourself a favor. Check Lancaster, PA (?) and Angel Colon in a search. He is supposed to have a speaking engagement in Lancaster.

That’s supposed to be his mum? She looks mighty young to have a 36 year old son. If she had him at 20 she’d be 56!? She looks late 40’s at best. Maybe she had him when she was 12!

PLease note the shooter photo below does not have sticky out ears like cruz? Hogg in the closet. left side cheek bone looks like the same as the shooters?

Definitely not Hogg. Voices different.

This is Hogg .. Note the hand grip? same as the shooters picture below and he is also left handed.

This guy was the shooter. note He is left handed.

I might have it. I’ll have to dig for it though. If I find it I’ll post it.

FYI ...................... I made 2-3 other videos like this video of myself calling the Orlando hospital asking for Megan Noblet , and every time I called she was NEVER there . One of the times , I asked for Megan and they put the phone down and I could hear the people working in the ER asking each other if anyone even knew who she was , and NONE of them knew who Megan Noblet was !!! I think I lost those videos when ScrewTube killed my channel .

check that link out at 23.20

Thanks to you , I added that to the video’s description . I noticed I forgot to mention it .

The United Nations is the evil Nexus of the Illuminati. Global Warming is a mass deception.

Myron C. Fagan (1887-1972)

"Compare Jon Benet on the left and Katy on the right.... pretty much look the same to me" <---- No, they look NOTHING alike. Russianvids is a disinfo troll and he damages everything we’re trying to do.

Total stupidity

On point. Checking to see if the "programming" is working. then adjust it for more affect next time. Thanks for comment and Zombie below 👍

From an early age, taken from parents for 8-10 hrs a day and "taught". then home for more of same thru MSM/TV etc. Sadlyrn

when did I say this girl was screwed for life?