
OK ................... thank you for responding so quickly . I also sent a private message about this , so disregard it .

Hey, I really want to open an account any idea when people will be able to create accounts again? I am on your side

Why was a video I posted about Gaddafi deleted ? WTF ?

Again, unless a video is broken we dont remove anything and when we do we email. So honestly I havent a clue. 25,000 youtube employees vs 2

1st official story was HH died from being hit by the car. Then when video came out showing she was not hit by car the story changed to she had a heart attack yack yack yack yack yack. You ought know by now. "Medic!".

That isnt us. The only time a video is deleted is when it doesnt compile right and we always email the account holder and let them know something bad has happened. I dont recall you name being on any of the broken compile ones. So not sure.

Why was video I posted about Gaddafi deleted ? WTF dude ?

Great Job ! Thank you Prof Fetzer ~ BTW Folks The Real Deal with Prof James Fetzer is broadcast Live every Tue & Thr @ 4p Eastern over - STUDIO B

Notice that girl in the vid didnt flinch. Supposedly 2 kids in that classroom were killed. I think remaining perfectly still while surprise gunshots are going off right behind you is nearly a physical impossibility.

Yup. He knew "We were fighting the wrong enemy"

Now I’m missing a video about Gadaffi, WTF !?!?! And I JUST read an email from someone whom said they subscribed to my channel specifically because of THAT video . I click on the link and the video does not exist , WTF ???

Jerry- they probably wont be convicted of anything major. They will be offered a plea with a fine and told to back off or else. Somebody high up ordered their arrest because they were getting too close. I mean he had people threatening to kill him on the phone right in front of a cop. That is a sure conviction. The last thing they want is any of these actors facing jail time because that is when they may start singing. By arresting sidethorn and granny they avoided that whether the charges stick or not.

I only saw Sidethorns documentation videos regarding Sutherland. In them they were the ones being harrassed and threatened. Even the local police treated them respectfully, and says a lot. Bottom line. Sidethorn pressed charges and he had concrete proof he was the victim of terroristic threats. So before it goes to court sure enough they get arrested. And the charges he filed probably just disappeared. A similar thing happened to me. The police ect will do whatever they can to protect their own. Even if the charges are bogus it still changes everything.

Last week we removed accounts of those who had never logged in. So if you created an account more than 4 months ago and never logged in, more than likely you fell into that.

Oh I totally agree 100% . I caught him in two lies before , and he acted like a super angry little kid when I called him out on it .

Churchill and his bosses the banks wanted matter what.

Why was another account I made at the same time as this one , one of the first 20 accounts on this site , now deleted from this site ? WTF dude ?

I find it odd that the NRA doesn’t call these attacks for the hoaxes they are!

Ex army and LEO here. I agree 100% with this young man.

Woodrow Wobbles rightly mirrored this on YT and the doubt casters were there in less than five minutes to start throwing dirt at everyone. Thoroughly disgusting!!