
LA county has the strictest gun laws in the country, but apparently taking away guns from law abiding people and further infringing on basic civil liberties is a worthwhile cause. Don’t protest abortions or people who die from texting and driving (which is more than the victims of gun violence).

Those rubber stage knives just don’t hold an edge. Should have used a dry wall saw...or a chain saw. That would have been sweet. TV is just not all that entertaining. Fortunately, I never watched much of it.

Well it’s a damn good thing they killed off this character before some new fraudster comes out accusing Hawking of sexual misconduct. And yes, some people would believe that, too. Seriously though, People have been questioning this hoax lately and his death, real or otherwise, was needed.

Is that an orange shirt? Put Granada & Enough in a word unscrambler, get some interesting things back. From the look of that map I gotta get the fuck off the east coast, thanks for the video glad you made it over here.

Indoctrination not education is all you get at public schools...and most private. The doctrine being jewish communism.That’s why their clamping down on homeschooled children smearing the parents through their propaganda machine. They are pushing that most homeschoolers are abused and CPS needs to check up on them.

Well...they are all out in the open now. So...we could shoot ’em all. Or, we could just wait till they stage a drive by on them...which would be oddly entertaining.

Yeah, probably. They don’t usually dispose of their minions that quick.

No matter how much respect you have for a source, you must judge every piece of information on it’s own merits. Never allow ego to prevent yourself from admitting you’ve been fooled...we all have. Government is the entertainment division of the military industrial complex so paying attention to anything any politician says, writes, or is written for them is a wrong turn down a road that is only paved for a few hundred yards that ends at a cliff. Politicians are actors. Their gig is the creation and maintenance of the illusion of a representative government. When in reality we have a Kleptocratic Oligarchy of International Organized Crime.

let the living light fry them

Nice vid!...try putting a title and adding some tags to the vid so it doesn’t get buried.

That sounds like the same women that was screaming at trump about gun control in parkland.

they had arm bands with 666

the statement of as above so below has also been mocked not you is and always has been about the higher realms to earth.....they block the gold light hence they deign earth and her children --us their rightful light===my grandfather was in the 40 and 8 ..he had a ritual on his 8 mm ...we watched it the entire family i was shocked

that sign does not belong to them.....they mock us ...and misuse the living light.....i can not stand it.

strange movements looks like he is onto something

We don’t attack other truthers here! This guy has been reporting Truth since I can remember him on JewTube! We are either all on the side of truth, or you’re against us! So, don’t watch if you disagree! We need more people awake, and less time attacking others!

I tweeted as soon as the "Bomb" story hit CNN that the Texas false flag finally came to fruition! Hell, we stated weeks ago that TX was looking like the next fake story, and Voila! Texas has stupid mail bombings, and people told to call the police if they got a package that they didn’t expect! Give me a freaking break! Oh, yes! Please Govt! Go thru my mail! I’m too stupid! When will people wake up to this BS! Come on Texas! Get your shit together!

Better off finding more pictures of her when she was young and compare THEM with the pictures of the "victim". The data always matches but the pictures not always and if it’s a cousin or a sister, the small resemblance while not being too relevant is still a problem to face against the shills in a discussion.

Again: Where is this happening?

Where is this happening?