
Sickening:P, Not a one of these children have any idea what is in store for them once they manage Gun Control on the populous, they are useful idiots. This eerily Reminds me of the Scene in Pinocchio where the children got everything they wanted, ignored the crickets warnings, and met their fate as they turned into donkey’s being pushed into ships, screaming for momma. Fiction can be very telling indeed.

trying to wake people up. as we speak im getting shit from people on Facebook cause i posted about Stephen Hawking being replaced at some point. And these people are arguing with me saying its the same guy. Even though they have never looked into the evidence. They only think hawkings is the smartest person to ever live because they were told that in school or from tv.

Almost like... The tea water don’t got hot the first time I boiled it, so I had to boil it again.

Yes, totally bogus. ’Is it sitting long in your skull?’

Nicely put together.

You havent and wont. History will show who the real truth was.

Oh no...I had no idea who that was. I havent watched tv in 8 years. I have no idea what these demons have turned into. Perhaps its time to leave eh?

Catch the whole conversation on our channel , stupid crisis actors just can’t help themselves ! Have a good one bro !

It really is , thanks gwo4life !

My brother !

Man I was thinking the same thing , evil does take it toll !


Knowing these demons , it probably was .

Wow , so powerful ! We love you and we will never let you down ... Thank you !

Brother we are stock code at this point. Our platform uses open source code that does lack in features. For the most part, the videos work well. All the rest including backend messaging will have to come when we get a coder. Thats why we are seeking funding so we van build better things. I believe enough will donate and when we do, we have our first coder hired by the people. We will all sit around and come up with features and fixes and then try to put them in the order of most importance. Those days will come for now, the pic section is what it is.

Brilliant research.

Saw in a comment somewhere that there is a screensaver like that. But it is definitely not AR holes.

I’m afraid they never will , the most asleep sheep I have ever encountered , has to be the 24/7 chemtrail spraying ...

Great video and as soon as these fucks let us travel freely a visit is in order ...

Thanks !