
Has BBC received a DMCA Takedown Notice for the same brown jacket picture?

Oohh No! Not one more of these FDMCA Takedown Notices. Fraudulent Digital Millennium Copyright Act! We need a mocking song about DMCA, Digital Millennium Copyright Act! Or maybe about FDMCA, Fraudulent Digital Millennium Copyright Act!

I hope someone distributes this video and the other struck videos liberally to other venues while this is negotiated

Because I say its a drill and no one died. Bad. Their censorship is so obvious, I think it actually helps us prove a point. Their is something to hide and that they are scared of all the masses finding out. Slight problem...the sheep will only fall for so much laughing and giggling crisis actors, etc.

It was this way Lenny took down HowIsee TheWorld – a copyright claim on the same photo then as he has now. He has copyright on a brown anorac?

Dead from the neck up.

From who? 100 of 100 you ask here on 153 would guess Lenny Pozner. (Bet on Lenny Pozner every time).

@ Tommy You know that’s a toy gun he’s holding, right?

Play with gematria numbers and a site here. I DO NOT push gematria but was sent some things to look at and after play a bit, this came up.. checked it from other vpn servers and was same on most. thought people might like to see how far the bunny hole goes at times. Also.. there is much more like this on peoples names. Am doing a piece on peter theil >palantir.. his name comes up on thats site as "the reptile" and so much more. Hide in plain site..rn..rnYes.. its real.. :’0

Pepe says hello. ha!rn

Sure, we all can see it. Now, if just get people to look. To much conative dissonance in the world. Hope you will make an account and share. Peace

Thank you... all in the numbers sometimes.. in this case.. the letters :)

Bah! I had to delete your bookmark..:/ FFS thats some horsesht!!! Ride on man!

Fully booked . Lol

Music/group...? love a Low Dtune!

May have petered out on this one.. check other links above.. Just saying.. :)rn

Day isnt over lol.. see post above this... checking link now.. Thanks. Was there many years ago.. lot # 666, 555 ft= 6660 inches 55ft=666 inches wide and many other odd things on this big cuck. Maybe it will fall over soon :) Heres a cpl things is want to see more. --- -- not pushing anything.. just passing info . rnPeace! 👌 < lol

Well it was a shot. I also been watching this <<((LIVE STREAM)) Lorde - American Airlines Center, Dallas, TX, US - 2018>> and this one <<nowhere. - Prophet Bar Elm Street Dallas TX US [LiveHD] 2018> Elm street.. Maybe chasing tails but eyes are open.


Hi CO, too bad I cant follow u on YT anymore, Im glad we can still follow you here.Hope to continue to see more of your videos!!