
Media working the smith-mundt modernization act!

We will see what Lenny has no doubt. I have been an entrepreneur all my life and built 70 startups to date. I have never lost one of them and I have been against really evil people who spent hundreds of thousands to crush me. I am documenting everything and as it sits he may be in very hot water. Wash, rinse, and repeat for Lenny is gonna be bad news.

Florida has their own special RICK the PRICK

I wonder what’s coming on Thursday, 3-22 ? More B.S.!

rnrnI know its real because the corporate media told me it happened. How its timed with this bloomberg and funded march for our self destruction is just a coincidence. You heard it "dat girl got shot." Well I’m convinced no further investigation needed.rn

I’m’s I got this earpiece in my ear telling me what to say?

His MO is to wait out the time period you have to keep it offline and then file again on the same videos. He will never go to court. Good luck!!!


Bye bye Lenny!

It’s more than that, he has to show they were copyrighted! He can’t!

I love the Crazy Lenny video too! I had to watch it 3 times in a row cause I couldn’t stop laughing!

ROFLAO! The ENTIRE CHANNEL for Jerry? Damn Penny has a hardon for Jerry!

I don’t know. I upload them in AVI format. It seems like the WMV format is working though. I’ll reupload it in WMV.rn

Lmfao! The little girl is like..fuck u bitch I’m not participating in this bs..haha

"YouTube had to take a video down today" LOL

There are no coincidences lol. “Coincidence is God’s way of being anonymous.” - Laura Pedersen.. It is a weird word when look into it. Translated from the Greek word "synkyrian". Give it a look over and see what you think :)

Boys in a locker room? where have seen that before?

OFC MAN. Music is 1/2 the experience of a video :) I read those. Hard cool thoughts there. are these things encoded. For some reason these compile but break on mobile.

Very interesting . You’re going get some hate speech though. Ignore it !