
Michael Williamodell Reszneki 2119 Michigan Avenue Los Angeles California 90033 .

Painful !

And to you , thanks !

YouTube is truly a cancer you are right on ! And as far as Reszneki , well I have plans for my bitch . I thought the shooting took place at 7:55 but she has posted at 7:09?

what a horrible interview! Then ends with we really need gun control. How much more obvious can it get?

It looks like it’s possibly about money.rn

Cut and paste audio clip sampling / editing. How much lower will they move the bar?

Its a stutter. like.. ya know.. when dont have a next thought ready.. its a pause.. to think.. or read or have a smoke etc.. :)

Sorry guys, my kid is going home with me.. You can call ina week.

Welcome guest. 😂

I use many words in a day and speak with some smart people. This word is used in rare instances when talking about type of chicken breeds mainly. lol

Well put. I feel informed!

Kinda jumped right out there with gusto didnt it! Thanks for comment :)

Agreed! YT is dead except for pedos, and all other unholy things. and cats.. dont forget much needed cats.. FFS!

Hrmm. Spare time is getting low but.. good call :)

Heavy on the lack of practice this one. smh

Look for a place where the weather has been modded to be fair to nice. They dont drill in the snow, rain or bad weather. rnLooking to Cali and or colorado as well. Then 4-1 its really gonna blow up. :/rn

I am hearing you. Just finished a few hours of looking around and got enough for a short video uploading now. These kids speaking are just coached beyond belief. Good call on military as well. Much going on there as well. Well done! :)

If any of the major CIA channels are covering’s fake. Simple as that.