
Tonight Matthew I’m gonna be a crap version of John Lennon!

And please donate now to a GoFraudMe Account that most touches you -- your tax money isn’t enough to fund the next Event!

WOW -- yet another illuminating interview: "I heard", "I didn’t hear","this is how I feel", "He/she said". Main$tream ’news’.

Instead of a chicken in every pot, a Hogg in every closet.

When this depressing tune plays over and over again. We urgently need a medic.

Yes, I agree. I don’t think the holes should be black exactly. I would have though that the bullets would go straight through, and so you should be able to see through them. In any case, there’s no reason for them to be white that I can think of.

Anyone got a spare $500,000? We can go into a psychiatric facility or go Skateboarding ?

Sure you are. Give it a try.. worst thing is it will suck out loud and you will try again.. should see my first handful. lol Pathetic but they got point across. thats important part :)

Check newest video for more, and jeffersonian girl got one as well "times" just spot on like they all had a watch on and looked. Then 2 mins later looked again.. T/y for comment

Hogg in the closet? Hrm.. never seen him with a real girl, just butch. lmao!

Await you videos and links :) thanks for comment

Think this was psycic reporting? LOL.. I had this done @ 11pm last night and upload 3-4 times.. gave up till morning. so yes.. a bit perhaps. haha Thank you Zombie. 👍

Thank you.

A new tactic but the voice... STILL give impression to the ear.

Reply here to all post below, yes.. somethings are weird. WHY always weirdness? smh :/ thanx for links Tommy

For the song, yes. lol

Baaahhh.. baaaah.. I hear them daily.

And theres no way she was spawned from that woman. I researched all the social media. Seems emma never had any before any of this.....ok. But the Hoggs and the Gonzalezs are related. The brother is the key to the connection.

Elvis: SH was planned during W admin. There were events planned while Obama was president and now with Trump. Vegas probably took 2 years to plan, minimum, imo. A lot went into Vegas. SH, Boston, Orlando, Vegas and Parkland are like the majors on the PGA tour.

Here is the Hogg video where interviews were recorded at 9:22 AM...SLAM DUNK --