
100% hoax and they sure did try and lure us out on those bad productions ! Thanks so much and sorry to hear about your JewTube channel getting terminated .

Thanks so much Raphaelle for everything , we truly love your work and your outstanding activism in the real world , what an great example for us all !

😂 ..rn

Here with 25 losers and 200 views.. 150 of them want to see you die of. a heart attCk while drinking grease. Keep winning! LOL!!!!!!

they staged a lot of stuff so all those facebook users would feel stoopid, isn’t that a crime?


I read that somewhere, no worries, Anderson Pooper Scooper will cover for them

As far as purpose of releasing this info. To put it in the peoples face on the tv, (fear propaganda). Helps keep anyone from even wanting to home school out of fear using intimidation, perceptions, mind games. It is also used as a divisive issue allowing for much political theatre and many photo ops. I think the group white helmets (a so called good guy org.) has been known for many of these staged psychological traumatic shows. In response to why an int’l org would be involved, sadly that to me says they are already part of the ’club‘ responsible for so many of these staged things everywhere.

I actually called Walmart the day after the event. This lady told me the store went on LOCK DOWN. She said the students (less than 100) couldn’t get in. NO WAY Cruz got in and bought a drink at Subway. The whole story is a LIE.

I can only say what I see or believe on this. Any parent I have known, including myself would have been in the face of the police, not in the house or on the balcony. Unless they were pointing something from their balcony at anyone after their child. I really can’t speak for Norway, but as RV often says ’you can’t fake real’. So in that sense if it is an actual truth and not a ’ a true story’, as most all news is ’stories’ (they even say so). In fact if you truly pay attention, their words are meaningless babble using many words to say nothing. You /they have heart felt wishes if it’s true. For me to sign the petition, as far as I know would do no good. It would be an invalid signature, as I’m not registered there. As far as an email goes, the amount of data that is connected to an email address is everything known about you, email lists are a huge marketing commodity and can be quite profitable.

the story writes itself

This family is so esoteric

He rode to school - somehow managed to get past the alleged shooter - got past all the cops that must have been there by then - And then went and HID IN A DARK CLOSET !!! Or so this sellout excuse for a human being claims any how. ROTFPMSL We Call BS !!

Nope. They (Barneveret) take the kids and don’t let parents see them anymore. See my longer post above. I know it sounds crazy. It is crazy.

SNAFUBAR The article I linked to says nothing about a video or audio recording of the alleged interview. Interesting that the article states:"This interview has been edited for length and clarity." IOW what we are reading is not a word for word transcript of the interview but the writers version of what was said and/or what the writer thinks we should see.

(how do I make paragraphs here?)rn*************************************************************rnAlthough the video is somehow mellodramatically stitched together, these things DO happen in Norway and I mean it is not an exeption. In the Czech republic in last three years there was a widely discussed case of Michalakov family.Based on the "suspition of abuse" made by one of the school teachers the Barnevernet (norwegian "child care/protection" government organization) took two small sons (5 and 7 I think at the time, roughly) of Mrs. Michalakova the very same day AND SHE HAS BEEN REFUSED A PROPER CONTACT WITH THEM EVER SINCE.rnAnd now listen. Even after the police investigated the case and found no misconduct on part of boys parents, Michalakova family has been refused to get their boys back, official reason stating, that BOYS GOT ALREADY USED TOO MUCH TO THE FOSTER FAMILY and getting back to their biological family would be too much of a psychological schock. The biological mother Mrs. Michalakova is allow 15 minutes contact with her sons once or twice a year (!!!) in one room under supervision from Barnevernet. Once she expresses too much emotions (tears for example), the meeting is immediatelly cancelled. rnrnThis sounds like an absolutely unbelievable nightmare, I know. But it is true. Czech government tried to intervene somehow mildly, but haven’t achieved anything. Everybody in Czech republic wondered what big of a role there had the famous "Norse financial funds", that give billions of crowns every year on various non-profit and social projects all over the EU, Czech republic included.rnrnDuring the exposure it was found out this is rather a common tactic and there are hundrets especially white eastern european kids (but african and asian also) taken away from their families for absolutely prepostrous and ridiculous reasons. rnrnIf anyone was interested I do have a lot of information about this and other cases primarily in czech, but I can translate or send you other valuable links.rnrnBasically the problem is in the local Barneveret having practically no supervision and everyone having a fear of losing their child. Also being a foster parent is a good business. And then the legal status of a child in Norway (ANY CHILD, even with non-norwegian nationality) is rather specific in that since it’s birth many of responsibilities but also authorities are automatically gained by Norvegian government. No kiddind. They claim the policy is slowly changing, nonetheless Mrs. Michalakova is still yet to have her boys back and as the time moves on the chances are nearing zero. Absolute Hell. rn******************************************* rn

Yeah gshock

Agree. Some discernment as always. Its not like the usa at all there, parents are not even the concern. See all the crap they are doing to the kids there. They know they have alreayd lost the adults and are planning down the road. This was originally posted liveish for her to get someone to her house. With all that said, what would be the purpose to expose this? Whyw would an International childrens rights org back her? I do see with some crisis actor eyes where you are coming from but dont believe so. No info on petition other than and email and a email.. both fake and still works fine to an email dump like etc.. either way, thanks for eyes on it.. Peace

Always my first port of call .

that was fast!