

Excellent work

So you think nobody was in the towers when they came down? What about the planes? The passengers never went home, except for the ones who were in on it.

I was not the wife of John Bolton, but the supposed wife of solicitor general Ted Olson who rang call collect. An impossibility

I have missed you RV.I used to watch and save all your Video’s on U Tube.I will be following you on here if I have to.I cant Register,it is saying it is temporary Unavailable. :-( I wanted to add you to my Favourites.

snopes is such garbage I think their fact checker was corrupted from the get go


How sad that these poor murdered dead children should be represented by such deeply troubled, violent and threatening people. Everyone can see just how traumatized they are, they are now quite publicly traumatizing others. They are determined to see others suffer the way they have told us they have suffered. It’s quite obvious.

The poor man has obviously been overtaken by grief. He isn’t thinking or acting straight. Has he copy written his grief yet?

dang...right there

Mm. I am a little confused. Why would Mr. Poxner want to take down his own son? Hasn’t his son already been taken down?

Whose balls did he tamper with?


these people are the march are completely checked out and mind controlled genuinely disturbing

Why do I feel like I have a pack of 3rd graders attacking me? You guys have already been beat. With every post and comment you make, I see I am beating you guys senseless...and whats funny is I havent even begun. Whats even more funny is all you have to attack me is for being fat. Never heard fat jokes before so thanks for being clever. ;)

Nothing like a cup o jew, I like to have mine when I’m sitting near my custom lampshade basking in the light.

Freudian slip, isn’t ’it‘ the one who said it was their job to tell the people what to think?


1:54.00 Ole very important observation and no doubt true.

you can only hold back the lies so much