
You should tag this for parrot or sheeple assimilation training programs. If your tired of thinking - just listen to us. We’ll tell you what to think, why you should think it and everything you need to know. Get your cup o morning jew here folks. No fake news, this stuff is straight out fraud, lies and hoggshit ad nauseam 24/7. Please resume your assimilation programming.

Yeahh.. bored sat night. lol. enjoy 👍

VOR a larger one being worked on.Many guys working on it. Lets hope get it here first!!!! Its from whole of us and then BBC as well.

Thinking our republic is a democracy is extremely dangerous to our freedom. Are these lying teleprompter readers even real.

There is a longer one in works from many sat feeds but my drop box is already packed with so much as it is. Appreciate the kudos. I dropped Yt years ago but followed you thru, what is it now 18, 19 200 channels? lol. Keep after it. You got more patience with that place than I. Peace

What sort of person would do his job?


Appreciate you Op. A word to the wise, WOULD be the bible verses. thank you for sharing. Will see what can do. Peace

👍 👍

Attack of the mutant clone. Reminiscent of the Boston runnin o the charity fraud event. When every news station was asking if the scammers had been assimilated. As though we were the Borg. Every citizen will be assimilated. This guy from the fraud news talking about fake news on social media, no irony here, please hurry to your nearest assimilation center or just watch your tv for further instruction. You will be assimilated, resistance is futile. Please stand by.

I wonder if that was intentional to see if anyone was paying attention!

you need to add more info into the ending, like a splash screen with and other stuff so ppl can find it. i shared this on other places but just a word to the wise, instead of having the bible verse up for what seemed like an eternaty you could have put many other screens of info and sources telling ppl where to go for more. not everyone wants to read descriptions along side videos, or follow links but a video uploaded they’ll click, THEN maybe/hopefully inclined to search deeper. just some advice

Like a scene straight out of ’they live’. Same thing goes on in all these 501c3 houses of baal aka religous institutions You called them on it and they scrambled literally a pile of crap

Mayday is also remembrance day of all those killed by these communist. That has been wiped from the minds of the people as well.

Excellent video!

Excellent video. Cleverly put together and clearly gets point across. 👍🏼🏆

Making Facebook users look stupid is no crime. It might be immoral but, not as far as the perpetrators are concerned. Therefore, I do not theorize about conspiracies. I don’t even speculate. I can rarely be sure of what has actually happened in any of these cases. But, I know that I have never been able to find verifiable evidence, admissible in a court of law, proving any of the claims made by media regarding any mass shootings. It is not illegal for media to lie. So, it’s "Let the watcher beware." And media will continue to lie as long as we believe that the majority believes...which is probably true...but, that itself is based on what media says. The majority might not even be paying attention - which is better than letting media fill their heads with shit. I also know what actions violate the laws of physics - so, in many instances, I know what did not or could not occur, which is all I really need. Knowing what did happen is less important.

You had one job...the guys name is Joe.

Fired! lmao