

At ~1:15 snake curled into a 666.

what a disgusting fucking family. You fucked with the wrong mama hogg. shut up you fucking scumbag liars. looking like fools over and over again. who lets their "kid" talk like that infront of their young sister? and fuck lenny loser pozner. Biggest troll in the world is lenny pozner. Fuck Vice as well. half ass garbage truther video.

Wow...great editing. Feel like I’m in the Truman show!

Some video he only have up one day, other only one hour. He lost a couple of important videos when his channel was taken down. He had try to get this videos back, he have ask his subs if they download them. The most hard working guys to exposing the satanic rituals with children is ACFAU and Ted Gunderson. Two true blue heroes. + ACFAU also is on DTube.

They use a false dichotomy to get their desired result. Its quite clever but people can catch on to it.

Wow...makes me wanna go watch disINFO WARS. Vice has been working in tandem with them for a while.

I just wish they would hurry up and do another one of these training drills. This Parkland noise is burnt....totally played out. Nothing about it is believable. Utter nonsense.

"Sick Fucker?" I’m not the "sick fucker" hanging out around a high school past my graduation. I’m not the "sick fucker" exploiting children for democratic party votes that don’t change anything - except placement of certain "gang members" within the illusion we call, "Government"...over and over again - the definition of insane - or "sick"...which can now ascribe to Hogg’s followers - assuming they are not just rent-a-crowd meat puppets. So, while I may be "sick" at least it’s just a pastime for me. For David and his ilk, it’s a profession.

"Not afraid" says the lying little twat . Yea you are motherfuckers , every last one of you !

they are sending us a message unfortunately. They are targeting non yt sites now because the content cannot be controlled by yt’s ridiculous billy club of censorship through arbitrary guidelines like hate speech or bullying.

VICE NEWS is the enemy.

"It’s a Sound Byte!" WOW, Just WOW

It’s a great documentary.

No doubt. I would slap my kids silly ever talking like this in front of their mamma. But then if that ’woman’ gal is his mom, she is a vulger thing to.

My kids are almost 30 and would never speak in front of me the way this little prick does. His parents should be embarrassed. And his young sister in the same room. Prime example of one of the biggest problems in society. Too much coddling and just flat out bad parenting.

That oughta keep him quiet for a little while

gee, just think the cia had to start the conspiracy theory to discredit/ make fun of people who think out side the box and are not sheeple. How much more will it take to make people wake up..

Jeff Fogltance 49 years old California.