
That photo of her with her "best friend", Alissa Alhedeff, looks shopped. The tongue sticking out is pure mockery and a perfect place for you to insert a dancing devil.

This video is being mirrored all over the place. I even saw they were talking about it on abc breakfast here in Australia. I missed most of the story so I can’t tell you what they were saying, but they were justifying somehow, disappointed I missed it. I don’t know where they sourced it but it’s a great video and it’s having a large impact. Well done 🏆😎

Ahhhschucks I hope it helps us move to the direction of exposure , that is like my Prime directive, it’s how I’m designed. Everyone here doing the same are hero’s to me and it’s inspiring to me to be part of this intelligent and creative and fun group.

Ohhh, florida. I bet she is retired off Sandy hoax cash, sitting in a pool under a palm tree, and surrounded by images of noah pozner in the brown jacket ,with a smirk on her face.

nice digging j.

Veronique "Pozner" De la rosa. (Dis)HONR Network VP. VeroniquernDe la rosa 8476 VIA SERENA BOCA RATON, FL 33433

I started a trail the other day and it led to some big names. Recognizable names. Connected people and families. You will probably see what I mean. These little shits working the honor network are just part of the surface. One family may have a crisis actor in it ,and another family has a member that trolls the internet for them, but then it turns out they are cousins. And I think they will use aliases that mix two family names together. So if Geri calls herself wheeler, and David Medack is then David Wheeler that is something we have to look for is the mixed name, and follow the wheeler connection. But I notice myself, you start to get an intuitive feel for who they are as you dig and connect and think, who is funding honr ?

Before she smiles a minute in

See her eyes gonup in her head

Great work , we love your vids !

Folder now open called ’Doxxing the Dupers.’

Even the lowest level of connections can lead to the big kahuna.

the CIA media is lazy

Excellent as always. Claudia is one hell of a woman.

What’s the point in posting the video, risking getting your channel deleted, giving an intro to what is about to be shown...only to talk through the whole damn thing? If you’re going to share, let people see it in it’s entirety, without your voice and opinions recorded over the top. It’s infuriating, because people who don’t want to wake up, really don’t want you influencing their observations, because their minds already want to discount and discredit. So, you’re doing their self induced delusion a favor, and marring a piece of good footage in the process. Makes no sense. It should speak for itself, without you needing to call bullshit through the whole damn thing.

That’s exactly what his comments sound like to me!

These people are just bad at everything they do. I think this is the 5th or 6th death threat that has come over this.

Jeff has a fifth of Jack Daniels, a cup of ice, a coffee pot brewing and a bottle of Pepto Bismol nearby.

Very reminicent of HONR Peter Walker reply.

Let’s open an image folder for the screenshots of connections. We can make the starting point Geri Medack. And follow her relations and make notes of where they lead.