
Noah Pozners death and birth certificates:

Katie Hopkins is not a quotable quote... she has described certain of our fellow humans as ’cockroaches’. Richard D Hall has the McCann thing nailed, see:

The blonde with no shoes has to mean something? The shoe thing and bare feet thing is all over these hoax/false flags

Katie Hopkins is not a quotable quote... she has described certain of her ps://

This son of a bitch is getting away with it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Such a great job he did on this.

Jesus Christ was 33 yo when He was crucified on a cross. rnrnalso, it was my age when Jesus Christ created me a new and pure heart in my soul, when i had been locked down in mental asylum for months, bankrupt and pretty much homeless. but Jesus Christ is love! <3

I’m on YOUR side, so go get him for me too!! I’d never thought about facial surgeries before but it certainly makes sense for a coward to do that.

her neck didnt look real to me...imho. something funny with that heavy gal.

This is why its gonna cost me $1200 to have a subpoena slapped in his hands. He has probably been through 1/2 million in facial surgeries by now. It doesnt matter that he hides in the shadows, what is in the darkness will be brought into the light and in the end all will be revealed. And I have 4 P.I. firms that will guarantee me they will find this guy and give him a summons. He can look like satanist john travolta and they are still gonna find him.

It seems there is only one response to this if we want to stay free.

Take away our firearms & regulate the internet. The Left are in an insane rage bc their queen lost. Buckle up people for the most bumpy, unpleasant (to say the least) ride of your lives ever!

time for a fresh hoax? LOL

No doubt.

👍 👍 We get JB to add new category =)

Other than "lol" I’m unable to decipher your message!?

Know evil he does. Idiot! lol

ActWHOREvists. 😂👍

Right on. There is a larger one being done now with a bunch of ppl from all over US and from BBC. Guys with non standard sat dish feeds been collecting. Its going to be more based on main stream media than local networks.

this is part damage control. Propaganda to attempt to convince people who are semi awake or just beginning to awaken that the fraud was real and that people who question these things are "mentally ill" .(and you don’t want to be labeled that now do you?). Its also a veiled threat. They know people are talking. They know people are waking up. They know the Truth is spreading. So the message is be careful what you say, be careful what sites you visit. "You don’t want the FBI to come knocking right?".