
@ Truth, yes indeed. Dont share anything to let other view and disseminate on it. Better yet, lets just censor everything like the MSM and net media does.

Look forward to your find. deep one of idiots here.

No soul in some of these children. Black inside. good one JG!

Charlie, You may be correct. then again, they may be fooled as well. this boy with the 357 sign looks legit to my eyes. This is not my OP on these kids other than to share the news.


👍 👍 Nice addition.

This whole is never ending. FFS! thanx VOR!

Robert Hogg is now currently assigned to the SWAT Team? Check out this pdf, page 9. His name is page nine of this pdf.

This is the first time I’ve ever seen Vice. Now I understand. Uggh! Also, why doesn’t Lenny come out of the shadows if his cause is so "just".?? Rhetorical question.

Yes , let’s outlaw anything that could ever possibly make anyone angry . Lol ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha. Geri’s perfect little world in Fantasy Land .

Thanks for posting.

Ok Geri M. .......................... then we must all right now and right away remove ALL democrats and republicans from the public eye because they incite anger and hatred against others each other . Lol . You should be ashamed to be an American with talk like that . Clearly you do not believe in freedom of speech of you think anyone that incites hate anger and hatred should be "removed from the public eye " . Things would NEVER be able to be changed in the world if the world played by your delusional rules . There would never be revolution because speaking against the corrupt system would incite anger and hatred for those that run that system , you fucking dope . Lol . Standing up for one’s rights would not be tolerated in your delusional world .

Robin HISTW should be contacted, he’s got more dirt on these scumbags than almost anyone. Sadly he’s not really on the scene these days and getting on with his life but I’m sure he be glad to help out any way he could. I know Peekay & (I think also) RV both have his contact details so might be worth a try. I’ll dm Peekay through YT later when I get time.

It’s “OZNER” Jeff, but I’m sure you know that. The misspelling of names is certainly an ongoing trait of pretty much ALL hoax events.

People like you JEFF only make comments like that when you are getting worried about being uncovered. And uncovered you WILL be! hahahahahaha

Like this lady, watched a lot her stuff...have not seen her pissed like this. But the Irony is she shows more emotion than all the Parkland supposed victims. That’s insane.

Man, the bullshit is piling up so high you need wings to stay above it...

The only thing the Hogg family has to fear is the bed they made for themselves. Trying to defend the bad acting only made it more obvious to the masses. The thing is, they will never win with these drills, as drills always look like drills and they need the internet to feed the lie. And people are getting fed up with the lies.

“Don’t you see that the whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought? In the end we shall make thoughtcrime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it.”rn― George Orwell, 1984

Great interview. It insane how many events they stage.