
and the 3 monkeys game, satanism, trans-genda, etc

She looks like the “A.I. Robots that were all over the “news” in the last few months. Either way, fake/misleading = not the real story. PS. F@ck YouTube.

They haven’t claimed she’s a Muslim yet? How odd.

I love you brother!!! Tell it like it is!!! I also love

Nice vid!

How did/do the conspirators prevent "counter evidence" from getting out, from being "caught in the act"? What if a tourist had a camera pointed at the South Tower as soon as the North Tower was hit, then his camera would have captured the "no plane" or missile hit, and he could have published the authentic, non doctored, footage some time later. With the hollow WTC theory: what if several companies had inquired sometime between 1970-2000 about renting office space there, perhaps because they really wanted to be in that building, and would have found out sooner or later the "big secret" that the towers were hollow? The same mystery continues with more recent "events", there is rarely a smoking gun video that is undeniable proof, only circumstantial evidence such as duping delight. No real conspirator ever confesses, the only "whistle blowing" we get is milk toast garbage, limited hangouts, things that were long known sold as "whistleblowing" with no new details that help us get any closer to the truth - it’s frustrating.

it is obvious that anyone who is put in charge already made his own mind signing the contract and accepts his role as a well paid prostitute. Much respect for You


From news clip: "A woman in her mid thirties" how much you want to bet she is either 33 or 36 years old?

"Tragically familiar" -- yesindeedy! What is ’tragic’ is how many in the Herd will believe it!

Talking at the vid, ok they got a swat guy carrying a bullet proof shield in front with a bunch of cops behind him, walking in a wide open front entrance of a multiple story building. Are they fucking retarded? They walked two blocks with a shield to only expose themselves to getting shot(if it were real) these guys are retarded!

great video

lol... you idjit!

Good one. verify this is 100% true....- Maybe I change my video endings back to old script from eph 5:11 - "And be not joint participants in the unfruitful acts of darkness, yet rather be exposing them!!!" - Once again JB, thank YOU and guys make all this possible to work against this "beast". 💯☝️

never gives one definitive answer on the state of the "victims" three victims given yet he apparently can give no descriptive information about their condition or wounds. Plus none have even gone into surgery for their wounds. He is probably smiling not only from duping delight but that envelope under the table he is likely receiving.

Nail on head especially with debt to edu system. this get them locked in for life to a fiat system or deb slavery. the push for this should be a crime. Try and explain this to someone before they get hooks in as to "college is needed" and you get chastised. I read books.. and college.. I learn more on my own that was REAL than mega bucks dumped inot a bogus indoc system as "higher learning" .. And yes, these guy are the future.. there is NO CHANGING that. People better wake up.. or as video explains.. its game over for liberty and life as we and out parents/g-parents knew it. Marx is the least of it IMO. Thanx for comment bud. Peace

Thats a shame. the video is NOT aboot hogg boy but he is referenced. Try again. The agenda is referenced from start to finish. Would appreciate it as this was a week of looking around and in the making 👍

And then there is much more. - Welcome to 153new mike

Surely you wouldn’t be laughing after you’ve just treated/seen all the victims of a mass casualty incident. If it was real. Phony fake show.

Drag on! 👍