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Looking for the truth!

Is Frank Pomeroy really Johnny Clay Langendorff, who was arrested in 2003? Johnny Clay would be dad to hero son Johnny Langendorff.

he gets around

I agree something wrong with this woman ..doesn’t quite look real. No coincidence this happened after banning all gun related videos. Now will go after all controversial websites

Google funded by CIA

The whole story is rubbish.youve had utube clamping down on vids, throw in the gun agenda etc.. we’ve had CGI lorries crashing into people, CGI people... what’s next? David Hogg dates Elon musk.. you read it here first.

I have this book. It made me feel ill, because it is chillingly correct.

I wanted a hood roll but yeah go get that fake shooter who is looking a lot like a cgi creation yt hooker.

I think it very well could be.

I suppose he got struck by the Ministry of Truth on YouTube... haven’t seen him post for a while now.

Absolutely.. People don’t look like that.. 100% cgi

I’m commenting here because all the new stuff is being watched. Please check this out and tell me what you think. I think Pomeroy might be Johnnie Langendorff’s father, John Clay Langendorff. If you check Johnnie’s fb page and scroll through pics, there is a pic with his dad from 7 years ago who looks like Pomeroy (with mustache). Here is a mugshot of his dad.

I worked at a pharmaceutical company many years ago . Even then it’s impossible to get in unannounced.

I agree they are not going to wake up til it’s forced on them but it will be too late.

Around 2:05 Watch the Reporter! It’s priceless! Obviously he knows it’s fake!

Looked very TJ Hooker 😂 A made for tv stunt. Not the greatest video I know but I couldn’t help myself. That "cop" 🍩 was too funny all bursting out the car like a movie. 👍

Leaving your patrol vehicle unsecure is a no no. They tell you that from day one. Always secure your vehicle no matter what. I call BS for sure on this guy . Looks like he doesn’t know how,to properly carry that rifle either

Bugger. I was waiting for Robo Cop to appear.