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You too! Keep up the good work

People think this is for real? Good Kalika that you bring this up. It needs attention. 3:55 in – bogus Young Turks / Alex Jones fight. I’m still surprised that ANYONE can watch Alex Jones/DisInfoWars after obvious staged fight as this with The Young Turks, and also that one when some protester attack him with coffee: Alex Jones Attacked With Boiling Coffee On The Streets Of Seattle:

Apologies! I meant to type "Sizzorfite" LOL

Brian Eno with Roxy Music I liked. Byrne does a good job doing TH songs whenever he tours. I like Life During Wartime.

The whole soybean industry was a money-maker from the start! Soybeans (even non-GMO and organic) are a highly toxic substance, except in fermented forms. The phytoestrogens alone are endocrine system disruptors. And soy is highly indigestible. But soybeans are easy to grow, and comparatively easy to modify and use to make food-like substances -- and soy products are in almost everything in the form of oil, meal, or lecithin. Did you have your dose of glyphosate today? Didn’t eat soy? Are you sure? Did you check the label? And (if you’re not a vegan) do you know what meat and dairy animals are fed -- the animals whose flesh and milk YOU consume? I dare you to find any commercial poultry or cattle feed that does NOT contain very high levels of GMO soy..... Good vid, Scizzorfite.

Yes, it would be a great show. I like David Byrne whatever he does. One of my favourite albums is My Life in the Bush of Ghosts with Brian Eno is one of my favourite all time albums. Masterful, two genius’s at work. But a Talking Heads reunion I would pay top dollar to see.

Oh, but shills like Neil deGrasse Tyson (just to name the most glossy sell-out) says that ’humans have been genetically engineering for thousands of years’. So an ’astrophysicist’ is deliberately misinforming the public about the difference between viable (sexual) hybridization and gene splicing. What an a**hole -- making $$$$ by selling lies and grinning smugly.

David Bryne Hogg. 😀 I still want the Talking Heads to reunite.

Heads up Gus ! The "peace sign"you are using is a Satanic Bent cross. My question is : Are you doing this out of ignorance OR IS IT DELIBERATE ? "The peace symbol (also called the "broken cross," "crow’s foot," "witch’s foot," "Nero Cross," "sign of the ’broken Jew,’" and the "symbol of the ’anti-Christ’’’) is actually a cross with the arms broken. It also signifies the "gesture of despair," and the "death of man.’’

Chuck: what year was he featured?

He has a little more experience in front of the camera. His donut shop was featured on one of those foodie TV shows.

the aerial drone footage proves beyond a reasonable doubt that this is a simulation

"just a coincidence that when I started recording he shot into our class" They seem to be mistaking the word coincidence with bullshit.

Austin: JL Sr is 6’ according to arrest record. How tall is Frank Pimeroy.?

Conspiracy Grannie: big question I need answered. How tall is Side Thorn and how tall is Frank Pomeroy? Thanks in advance. Very important in regards to something I am looking at.

Of course their excuse is people react differently. I do not remember laughing about my mothers death.

Where are the links? ☺️


Mkay, so whats the deal with the people that got shot outside on the street corner? I thought the bullshit media said Cruz allegedly only shot in the school? Has anyone even actually ID’d Cruz as the shooter? Why do all these shooting events with video cams hesitate to release the evidence?