
Aghdam is an anagram of Mad Hag

I was thinking Norman Cassiano, but yes! They are cut from the same script! Norman gets shot clean thru 3, 4, 5 times (he never remembers how many), then gets out of the hospital the next day with NO SURGERIES or stitches! Robin with HowIseeTheWorld did some excellent videos on Norman showing off his chest/back without a single scar!

thank you!

He’s one tough buck! He lies down and then calls Dad! Rambo doesn’t need to play dead! He knows he’s done being shot, and gets on the phone so Daddy can tell him to not go into the light! It’s hogwash like little David! Just like Pulse, you get a few ace bandages and you scars disappear!

What happened to FOR THE PEOPLE? It seems to have vanished from YouTube?

What an evil and dark life you Default Satanists live.

You are seeing a version of Pulse’s Angel Colon and Rodney Sumter combined. 8 surgeries my ass. You just can’t do one right after the other. He calls pops after being shot 5 times. Must be new, arthroscopic rib surgery, lol. "Scars?....scars?...we don’t need no stinkin’ scars"😂💰💅😷🏥🚑😲🔫🎥

Man, what a sad and dull life you Auto Hoaxers live.

Any one who believes this is a hoax come on up to Nipawin,Saskatchewan. See how that goes for you vial liars!

Angel Colon will tell you......

Yeah right come see what one .223 will do to a full grown deer see the wound and see the animal drop in its tracks this punk and his dad are two liars

Any one who believes this is a hoax come on up to Nipawin,Saskatchewan. See how that goes for you vial liars!

@ 2:01 isn’t that guy the other student who was all over the news and on the cover of TIME magazine too.

Come up to nipawin any one of you liars i dare you. Dirt bagsrn

Your as dumb as this jew liar guy? Come up here and talk with some first responders. See how many teeth you have left when you tell them you think it is a hoax!rn

This jew liar is an idiot. Hope he comes up here to do some real investigation. He will go home with many less teeth. What a absolute pile of shit this guy is!rn

Gratitude -- great work.

Thank you, J Girl!


How can someone get shot five times with a semi automatic AR-15 rifle and still be alive? rnHow can someone block a AR-15 bullet with a School Book? rn