
Ignore comment/link below...wrong one1

All of them. Including the 60 minutes lady! She knows this was fake! Just like the local news! Just like the Broward Sheriff and local police! They get paid big money to participate and push these lies! The DOJ has an endless amount of money from asset seizures and they just dole it out like candy since they don’t have to turn it over to the Dept of Revenue and let it go back into the system for Congress to re-appropriate.

Wayne Carver

I like the name ’Wolverine’ Anthony Borges.

Excellent points! Keep up the good work!

yep! Leave it to the son of the Rock to be stupid enough to post that clip on his Twitter page!

I love how ALL of them described that they just Lie down when they are shot too! One said they fell over, and then corrected herself and said the girl laid down after being shot. It’s ridiculous when you hear them describe this. If you get shot, especially in the leg, you are going to Fall down hard. Not just go lie down on the floor, OR run down 3 flights of stairs and across a field to a cop and describe the shooter having an AR-15, with the type of sight and high capacity clips. Nobody would describe the gun like that either! It’s ridiculous! All of it.

I plan to download it, then upload to my Facebook. The links never work for people using mobile phones.

"The militia is the natural defense of a free country against sudden foreign invasions, domestic insurrections, and domestic usurpation of power by rulers. The right of the citizens to keep and bear arms has justly been considered, as the palladium of the liberties of the republic; since it offers a strong moral check against the usurpation and arbitrary power of rulers; and will generally ... enable the people to resist and triumph over them." ---Joseph Story, supreme Court justice 1811 - 1845

thank you! We are all in this together! It takes people spreading this on Social Media, Twitter, Facebook, and YouTube to help wake others up! Please spread this video for others! thanks again

I agree. The media are the traitors, the Americans that participated in this event, the cops, hospital agents, and many more. They’ve pulled MULTIPLE fake events in this one county, from Ft Frauderdale, the pedestrian bridge, MSD shooting, the Pembroke Pines Cop dragging hoax, and Many more! The Sun-Sentinel plays a major role in these Broward County Hoaxes, along with "Local 10 News" out of Broward county! A handful of these families are not Americans, I agree; however, it takes a boat load of American traitors that are making it all happen.

A traitor would be one like the Sheriff of Lake County who stood by while the treasonous elected officials of Deerfield IL pass a seditious act doing that which our enemies can’t do by way of an amendment to the Constitution; outlaw anybody exercising their right to keep and bear arms and as recognized (NOT granted) by the 2nd Amendment. They weren’t arrested for their sedition, and the elected supreme law enforcement officer of that county had the DUTY to arrest the seditious lawless conspirators. He didn’t/hasn’t.


You’re doing excellent work exposing these Parkland High School shooting frauds being choreographed by deep state money. But in the synopsis above, where you say, "these traitors," I would have just a bit different take on it. To be a traitor one must first be a fellow countryman to begin with. Since the international Jew is a parasite sucking blood from whatever nation is hosting him, he technically isn’t a traitor--- he is merely a foreign enemy in sheep’s clothing pretending he’s a countryman while sipping on the blood of the host nation. Jews control Freemasonry, Freemasonry puts on these psychological warfare theaters to sway the uncritical minds of the masses that something must be done. They then have the feigned pretense to attack the 2nd Amendment (California, Deerfield IL, etc.), and destroy our ability to eventually resist the tyrants when no other options remain, and the ultimate ability to stop their encroachment has been removed from our hands. They know they can’t amend the Constitution to outlaw the 2nd Amendment so they conduct warfare through deceit.

Maybe he’s part Vito Corleone.

WTF? Screen calls it chemtrail? Is that legit?

Check out Fionn Whitehead on whatever search engine you use then go to images. Someone at Ed Chiarini’s fb page did a comparison of him & Hogg. He also looks a lot like Nikolas Cruz in some pix.

Barb, how did you know about this site?

WOW, shot 5 times and he’s still alive....why you fuckin lying.

Real good. I listen to this interview 2 times at my work today. Often Listen 2 times – so I catch everything. I was super.