
SHE WAS PUT on time out for 2 weeks and now has a backup channel called " kalika kalika " her channel name was not of her own choosing tube issued her backup name

Jew Baboon ha ha

Practicing acting roles. Nice bit of REM as the backing track ...

Ding, Ding, Ding.... "This brings your total first place winnings tonite to $5,666. However, you have been disqualified as our corporate sponsors will not allow you on future shows. Here is a parting gift of an Infowars coffee mug and t-shirt.. "

"..Trump, 6’3", ....6’5" with the hair." (Fletch)

My GoPro never leaves my side when I’m out and about. Anyone can do it!

I’ve seen the "magnificent thing" in action at Sutherland Springs , it was huge ! Great name !

Excellent as always.

You know, I’ve watched all of the videos you’ve been doing on Parkland. You are putting out REALLY GREAT WORK!!!! I’ve been sharing all of them on Twitter and have gotten a bunch of likes. That gives me hope that the information is getting out to the general public. Again, many thanks for what you do so well!!!

Thanks for the upload, I’ve never seen this one.

Link is Avalon webpage. He was a speechwriter for Guliani. His schtick is to go after all networks.

Worst of all. You can’t even trust a doctor.

What is Sutherland Springs Texas church shooting starring actor / agent / pedophile Franklin Pomeroy ?

Virginia Tech – Thanks that is all we need to hear, now we know that the rest also is a scam.

All new equipment even in the small volunteer stations and they are all doing daily drills . Something big is coming , no doubt about it ...

Right on , so fake !

On the video skin, you see blurb about baseball bats. That is the school district next to my area the FBI thought I would be a threat during student walk-out last month.

Jason, regarding your response to my comment, I had no idea that Lenny and Robbie Parker had a non profit together. This is obviously the connection!! There’s still a lot that I don’t know about Sandy Hook, even after this amount of time and watching about a million videos and reading a bunch of articles. I feel embarrassed many times when I ask questions or make comments about things because it seems like I’m light years behind everyone else, who all seem to know A LOT more than I do. I didn’t just open my eyes yesterday, but I still know much less than I’d like to about this event and others. Anyway, I appreciate your having explained the situation!! I don’t know when you’ll read this comment, but i’ve just sent you an email about the warnings I keep getting on all browsers. In case you haven’t seen my two emails, I wanted to let you know that I have sent them. Thanks again!!

Exactly. They need the public to see them in action.

Class is in session for the crisis actors... DRILLS ARE POPPING UP AROUND THE U.S. THIS WEEK: