

Climate Change for thee, and not for me. I dedicate this song to Zuck’s new boat

Not medical professionals, and none of them have critical thinking brains.

Correct. Fetzer is not a shill. He is a human being. And a great one. Thank you, Jason. I cannot imagine what we will do without 153news.

" This is stupidity beyond belief" - Jim fetzer. The caller is on the mark about everything but not the elections or finding someone who can/will. The elections are rigged, votes do not count, they know years ahead who they are going to install. It’s not possible for a real person to become president. It’s a done deal and we are at their mercy, all we can do is hope they don’t some day kill us all.

I followed the same basic path for the past 20 or so years. It’s a process like you said.

By the way, Fetzer is amazing. So many of us have learned so much from him. He is one of the few left fighting for truth in Sandy Hook. I support him and I have a paid membership to Ole’s site. As I have said on my Substack, I do get things wrong. Any researcher who is right 100% of the time is playing it safe. Also, as a human being, there have been many times I have changed my opinion on topics. Changing my opinion doesn’t mean I have an evil agenda, it means I learned something and grew from it. Isn’t that the entire point of the Truth Movement? If anyone is interested, yesterday I published a deep dive into Ivermectin. Based on the actual evidence, which I obtain from the manufacturers, this product is literal poison. I know it sounds crazy, but if people just look at the evidence behind the smoke and mirrors, it’s quite disturbing. <-- that is an example of deep dives that result in merciless attacks from the Truth Movement. Why? Don’t people want to know what is in the product they are consuming? Don’t people want to know how it is made? Are these unreasonable things to research? All I ask is, simply read it prior to attacking me.

Great well thought comment. No one knows the whole truth, and allowances must be made for "the new guy". Judgement is a cruel thing. If I’ve learned one thing, it’s that I’m wrong much more than I’m absolutely right.

Yep, through history they accuse others of doing to them exactly what they do to everyone else. The end goal is to destroy everyone else and take over everything. They are pretty much there already.

Brother, you absolutely nailed it. I am a substack author who writes real truth and includes overwhelming amounts of sources. I do deep dives into the foundations of things we believe to be true to find out if they actually are. The attacks I receive from the Truth Movement are absolutely brutal, because, as you stated, they only want the truth when it aligns with their truth. I have been called a shill more times than I can count. It’s frustrating because my content is incredibly thorough.

Lame Duck? Do you know what that means? Don’t matter Biden, Trump, Sotoero, they are just actors. No power at all. They read their scripts and get paid.

Well Jim was right about Tic-toc, there has been a lot of truth that come from there even though there there is nonsense there too, the truth that comes from there far outweighs the nonsense, and that is why all those representatives the Senate and the Congress who are all puppet’s for Israel want to get rid of it. People should see that and donate to 153News.

While there is another site which I go to for uncensored content and pay 3 bucks a month for that which YT censos and Bitchute eventually would censor, there is no other place like 153News, when the next round comes these sites will begin to fall like all the deaths due to the covid.magic potion and the lights of free speech will go out everywhere. I have tried to encourage many of these sites to post content here, and they avoid it like the plague, many are self proclaimed Christian right prepper channels, that has a lot to say about their sincerity to support uncensored truth, I’m making another donation today before my regular monthly donation, I hope others will see the urgency and make a donation before it’s too late. Long live 153News.

For my whole life, I cannot stand people who lie, especially if it’s poorly done. It is so easy to find obvious holes, blatant false embellishments, and dichotomous contradictions in almost any major news story. For this reason I do not watch TV whenever I can help it, and when I am forced to, I find myself saying: That’s not true. That’s not what was said. That’s not what happened. Twisted narratives, leading the witness, false conclusions stated as facts that tell people WHAT to think. Maddening.

I’ve been producing videos long enough to know, that when videos which pertain to "controversial" themes are uploaded to BitChute, and the view meter always stalls for a period every time at 29 views, that something is not "Kosher" That doesn’t happen on 153news.

I compare this human nature backstabbing to musicians. In my case guitar playing. In a very disappointing atmosphere (to me) of who’s better than who, a judgement by one person against another, and basically a focus on another’s musical skill level gets quite ridiculous. All that really matters, is a comparison of an individual to himself. Am I more skilled or happy with my progress, than I was yesterday? To me, it’s a very big downer when I see such jealousy and this tendency to judge others, when the truth is, To each his own. Each in their own measure.

long live 153news

And governments have requested user data here and they never got a thing. All these places like bithcute and the rest look real good now but wait until the next big one and you will see why was a light in the darkness.

could a rife machine or a tesla machine destroy the nanotech from the vaccine?

Gary, it was good that Stefan Verstappen made the spotlight. His offerings are very deep and thoughtful. Thanks. I agree with Jim, we could have heard Frank’s finish. Sometimes people don’t understand or "get it", that the words of the music frame the overall video message. Very intentional, sometimes very subtle and sometimes facetiously right at the heart of the issue. Example: "What’s Goin On?" let’s question what we are seeing in Gaza opposed to what we are being told by the nightly news. Compare it to reality and find a better way. Thanks for your very good presentation.