
Breathing or eating it is different than directly injecting it. In the France study, none of the unjabbed participants were emitting blue tooth signals.

Academia is the most powerful form of mind control. Virology and cosmology are pseudo science. Virologists and cosmologists are seen as important people and well-respected. Money creates the illusion of importance.

Todd Calendar said that all injectables have been compromised. That means dental and surgical anesthetics. We are screwed. There are no alternatives. Heroin and cocaine aren’t permitted.

Lil Robbie Parker,, the moment that cog-dis caught covid lol. Its the clip that even the deepest sleeper cannot ignore. I showed that parker podium approach to many I knew back then. The looks on their faces. I could see their brains skip a beat, like a stroke victim. Cracked their matrix. I am of the thinking that these actors might well be all orphans, stolen, test tube kids, raised underground and then then brought out to play these parts. They are all possessed or under mind control. Funny how you never see any of the other parker daughter kids anywhere. Special places in hell for jones and all these fkrs.

Wasn’t she visited by the police after releasing the video?

My social credit score is going to be low as hell, lol

Police have done heroic things, but at the end of the day they are there to enforce the new world order. "To protect and serve"...the predator class

Typical Liberal subservience to black people.

What I don’t understand is the by-standers who were on video talking about the airplane.

He seriously sounds like Brad Pitt.

I can’t believe people still listen to this shit coin pusher, building a doomsday bunker with his subscribers money ?

We just all need to need to lessen our carbon footprint. Unfortunately we are the carbon they want to eliminate.

sandy hoax and jones is there because he’s part of the show he gets the publicity he wants more money for him

Great video. This is pure evil.

I know I thought of that too for a possible weather event taking place as the storm chasers are in Texas, I think?

I can’t bring myself to watch past the opening credits. AJ has nothing to do with my disdain for this video. I doubt we will ever know the truth about this event. Watching anything created for HBO on this event might damage my mind. I can only take so much cognitive dissonance.

Direct link to pdf:

This doesn’t change my mind about any of this, but it does affirm for me that all those involved ARE Demonically possessed as is cointelpro actor Alex Jones, real parents that are victims when recounting horrific events that took their children would have tears streaming down their faces and there is no evidence that anyone had a single tear, a slew of Lying Jews. HBO is Disinformation pure and simple, the acting here is horrendous and totally one sided as to what really took place.

I honestly can’t understand how any person can believe in the Climate hoax and believe we are the cause of the so called "climate change" agenda. We are being conditioned with the MSM news and Hollywood propaganda. They want to control us on a global scale, and since it didn’t happen with the Scamdemic, they will double down on the weather modification operations. Hang on to your hats folks!

The water tower said RENO. Let’s tuck that away for now and see what happens.