
This is the same as your urine video. You have to stay away from main stream info. This is a huge hit piece against chlorine Dioxide. IT IS NOT POSION!!!!!!!!!........IT IS USED TO PURIFY WATER!!!!!!!!!!!...........AFTER AN HOUR IT BRAKES DOWN TO SODIUM CHLORIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!.............WHICH IS FUCKING TABLE SALT!!!!!!!!!Jim Humble cured 189 cases of Malaria using Chlorine Dioxide, documented by the Red Cross who now deny they were even there. It kills parasites in water...........what is Malaria? A PARASITE!!!!........I cured my raging UTI by taking Chlorine Dioxide every hour for 6 hours. It is harmless and legit. Once again every fucking page on Jewgle is a obvious hit piece to cover up this cheap cure. If more people knew how to use it.................IT WOULD BE THE BIGGEST F YOU to big Pharma. You are either a shill or you have been duped. You have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to Chlorine Dioxide. IT IS NOT BLEACH you moron. I have used it many times. You need to learn what PROPAGANDA is!!!!You are a dangerous terrible person (as you would say)

Back in 2009, "they" held a meeting to discuss what needs to happen to make us beg for geoengineering. Exactly what is happening today is word-for-word what they schemed:

I just realize who you are and yes I watch your shows and can’t figure out how you put so many out there. It seems I get a email of a new show every 5 minutes LOL Thanks for all the hard work trying wake the people up and I do send out a lot of your videos to others

True and that goes for a lot o people in the media and a lot of family also. People forget who bailed him out of bankruptcy and how many years was he on Jewish controlled TV

We all drank urine for 5 months in the womb. Not only is it not dangerous, it’s essential for proper development. Urine is loaded with stem cells, antigens, antibodies, and hormones that can stimulate the immune system when you are sick. I believe this is another lost cure (cover up) because it is not very lucrative for the drug companies. If you Google urine therapy, the first 50 pages are all against it. That right there should tell you all you need to know. It’s probably a cure for cancer. If I had cancer I would fast and drink my own urine first thing every the morning.

I’m not a medical professional, however I have a wild idea what mat have happened to this man.

thanks Gary and Jim, fun episode as always.

Why does anyone even talk about this crap. It’s fake , and go live your lives.

You sir are correct about your way of thinking. I applaud your intellect and ability to decipher the deception.

It seems that many of you so called awoken thinkers are falling directly into of the trap the media is creating. People aren’t bad and people should be able to travel freely. There are plenty of resources for everyone but our government squanders away our dollars on war and separating us from our fellow brothers. This is all a ruse the invasion is the play the government is using to input the new beast system digital id vaccine. Once the beast system is available people will welcome it because they are so afraid of these bad people getting over invisible lines and breaking laws. Trump will create the mark to eliminate the problem of the ‘invasion” wake up. Treat people decently. Pray.

I’ve had that Caution New World Order Ahead Emblem since 2012 where it is now on my refrigerator at home, once I had it on my locker at work till the company told me to remove it. We are closer to many of those things becoming a reality, many others have already taken place, but of course it’s all just a CONSPIRACY THEORY.

ALso, I had it said to me by a psychiatric MD, one in a very senior hospital position, that the whole rash of papers about the grapefruit interactions are utter nonsense. Of course you could say this doctor was one of the pushers, but she said it very confidently and we should respect that she had years of clinical experience and thousands of patients.

I don’t like the idea completely, but Allegedly Dave is a friend of mine and he has shown many papers with real scientific evidence that urinotherapy is a long-time practice with actual studies in support. I checked the papers written about it and they stand up to scrutiny. There is no conclusions in them of harm caused by it and many things are said to be cured, anecdotally at least. Moreover, in other cultures it is very accepted, which I hadn’t known.

Keep going. Move "how to help" option to the first item on the left on the menu. Then more people will see it. Change the label to "send cash help". Bestest

I tried to set up a 153News group on Gab but you have to be a paid Pro member to start a group. When 153 goes down we can still meet up there and post videos there until Torba decides its time to censor.


Climate Change for thee, and not for me. I dedicate this song to Zuck’s new boat

Not medical professionals, and none of them have critical thinking brains.

Correct. Fetzer is not a shill. He is a human being. And a great one. Thank you, Jason. I cannot imagine what we will do without 153news.

" This is stupidity beyond belief" - Jim fetzer. The caller is on the mark about everything but not the elections or finding someone who can/will. The elections are rigged, votes do not count, they know years ahead who they are going to install. It’s not possible for a real person to become president. It’s a done deal and we are at their mercy, all we can do is hope they don’t some day kill us all.