
Thanks for your work Gary. Please consider putting links to all of your shares that are not on 153 - would be great!

In the Israeli fairy tale all the usual clowns are still selling the idea of hostages when it was all just a staged bunch of jew bullshit. Cointelpro agents all.

Looks like her before Fugly set in on the inside and outside.

And 33 again. But of course just a coincidence...

I made it to 20:00 thinking that finally someone would have the courage to say that these high power cell towers are burning people’s brains out. I then finally heard their focus and tuned out. I am sure everything has been this way since I was young but I couldn’t see it. Now I do. I feel sorry for the victims who will never get an honest answer. No one will ever say it.

That makes sense. So many flags with this production. Mixing truth with lies.

A file system that can store 33 times the amount of data that’s in the entire library of congress...

This has to be disinformation fed to us as all computers are only as good as the information fed to them by their creators/handlers, they don’t predict dangerous weather, they just report on what’s been orchestrated by those that created it. They also constantly feed us lies about creation and the origin of the universe.

It changes what it means to be human! Oh and they can mandate it! How nice of them Not !!


I did not buy the snake venum story! I thought it was 5g radiation poisoning. People say radiation poisoning gives C19 symptoms. That’s what I thought from the start.

60 Minutes did a video on Palestinians faking war, many decades ago. See fakenukes on bitchute.

Yes and they are STILL LYING.

If these doctors are not stating that vaccines are a lie and all have always been poison, then they’re still liars. Viruses are not real. The medical field has always bern about profit. All shots are poison.

Miles Mathis

Go read Miles Mathis.

I follow Miles Mathis. His essay on JFK is excellent. Ah ha. You think the same thing.

Got it. I tell you, as a retired nurse, people have no idea of what they have been doing in our hospitals for decades. Organ donors ARE kept alive while their organs are taken. Stephen King could never have written such horrors, especially since he wrote FOR GOVT.

You are correct. Nothing but propaganda. We never are allowed to know of anyone not complying. I heard a lady Dr. talking about some horrific things being done to patients on Bitchute. People being “put down” because of endless and continuous seizures. She was wearing braided pigtails. I wish you would check her out and tell us if she’s another damn bounder. I will link it if this ipad will let me.

The most important least talked about "conspiracy" out there...