
I think we have finally reached the point where US politics is so controlled that they don’t care that neither candidate is viable to any thinking human being. We are going to have a choice between an actor(s) who is a self proclaimed ZyeOwnednist (or) the hero of Is_Ray_L. Our whole Congress is nearly owned with many having dual citizenship. WE ALL MUST VOTE anyway. Four more years of this Jackass puppet imposter(s) will destroy the world. And his agenda is right in your face. Four more years of the other guy is not going to be good, but at least he lies really well and makes English sense. With the Don, we get to watch four more years of Impeachments while the agenda continues on hidden in the background. Hard choice.

No joke, I was listening to the video not watching and i heard the voice of Montgomery Burns from the Simpson and I looked at the screen and it was David Rockefeller. i’ll bet they based monty burns on david rockefeller

I REMEMBER when the vaxx came out. It was a Sunday. I belueve it was Gates that said “ welcome to the zombie apocalypse.”

I REMEMBER when the vaxx came out. It was a Sunday. I belueve it was Gates that said “ welcome to the zombie apocalypse.”

And aborted fetal ingredients and numerous animal DNA.

Trump is a Muppet, he locked the country down, he likes Anthony Fauci, he let his daughter marry a Jew. And he had time to pardon Kodak, Black, and Lil Wayne, but couldn’t pardon the people that were marching outside the capital for him. What a fucking loser, people should be ashamed of themselves for following this asshole. Thank you for the video.

What fucking ass clowns, saying shit like, that stuff I will have to get into behind closed doors. And saying shit like this is some of the stuff that I probably can’t say right now because it’s classified. All of these people need to be locked away. It’s blatantly obvious what they’re doing and these people have no backbone, love your channel

Vaccines are loaded with known carcinogens that cause cancer. So it’s a good thing they came out with a cancer vaccine. Now all we need is a vaccine to prevent Autism.

Add Brandy Vaughan to the list.

The folks in the audience cheer and think it’s just a cool part of the show.

The whores in Hollywood use Korean Baby penis facials to make themselves look more beautiful (they think) and the rage is to drink adrenochrome and call it normal, it’s an abomination as well, there is a verse in the bible that makes reference to those that dishonor their own bodies that’s how I classify them.

Thanks for the list, thus we forget.

I like Jimmy Dore, he has presented some good video exposes thus far, I hope he keeps it up and is not one of these controlled opposition types, I’ll be watching, he’s on the mark here, Thanks for posting it.

Flashback - List of World Leaders Whacked for Saying NO to FrankenVaxx in Their Country

And Shut Up or Die. Let’s not forget the two ’Bow Wing’ whistle blowers who just coincidentally ’killed themselves’. Are the normies ever going to figure out what is going on? How many strange coincidences have to happen before these sleepers snap out of it?

Comply or Die. Let’s not forget the President of Tanzania who resisted efforts to except mandates from the WHO for covid-19 in his country he went missing and was later found dead and was replaced with a puppet who would agree with the WHO and the WEF. And I also might add the United States, promoter of The New World Order.

Exactly, from the womb, and since ancestral times the urine is used as gold elixir of live, unfortunately nowadays people don’t read .

In the good old days people used to pee on their hands to avoid getting sore hands when working in soil and with hand tools and the like. The skin can get cracked up and dried out from soil dust, and peeing on your hand was supposed to help against that.

A liter of urine a day is her recommended dosage and distilling the rest? I don’t care if I get 20 years younger, I am not gonna do this.

lol if you drink your piss long enough she says you become an immortal god. I think Tim no is onto something here.