
I thought of many of those very issues when making this video. The two cents I did inject, was a buck fifty at one point. I erased it all when I thought about it, and I realized that this is a very personal issue that people need to think about on their own. I won’t convince anyone of anything. The video makes its own point, clear enough to get the message through.

How did killing innocent women and children in Iraq protect our freedoms? Who is going to come to the USA to take away our freedom, what freedoms? and how exactly are they going to accomplish that goal and why? This is ridiculous! It’s the controllers that are slowly taking away our freedom. Not some kids from another country with rifles.

This version of Waltzing Matilda is by Australian Slim Dusty. A famous country music musician rn Gordon Kirkpatrick; 13 June 1927 – 19 September 2003)

terrible approach. followed by let me pull this little wadded up baggie and give you something out of it

Waltzing Matilda, has been done by a number of artists, it was # 73 on the Top 100 in 1960 by Jimmy Rodgers, after I played your video I couldn’t get that dang song out of my head........Thanks a lot.....I do understand the urgency of the cashless society and it’s dangers, I was just trying to be a little light hearted in my response during serious times to take the edge off Thanks for the video.

He did business with the Jews in America that run Washington DC and the Federal Reserve that is run by Jews, we have to love Israel more, (haven’t we already loved Israel too much, enough is enough?) And I’m here to protect your 2nd Amendment, but let’s get the guns 1st and worry about due process later" and I’m the father of the vaccine and the CHOSEN ONE" That’s just a few and enough for me to say that Trump is an enemy of America and every citizen here

thats one of the 48 laws of power.

Watch Natural Selection in the real time. As my parents said to me, stop warning people . People become dangerous animals willing to attack you for telling the truth. They will destroy your means of living for countering the bullshit they beLIEve on teLIEvison.

Trump just may do things that’ll be a major surprise to the Trumpsters should he get elected again. He’ll have little reason for any restraint the second time around, being a lame duck. Any campaign promises won’t matter at all. Come to think of it, his promises didn’t matter the first time around. " The Clinton’s are good people"

They are not migrants, this is logistically planned, much like they do in war (are we not?) to bring down the economies of the west to be in line with TURD world nations, by the United Nations.

Government crime does seem to depend on everyone relying on a cellphone. Maybe cybercrime is overlooked for the most part because it promotes two step verification, a reliance on the phone. Actually making the cellphone a requirement. The cellphone appears to play a large part in the Australian digital ID plan. Don’t want a cellphone? you could carry your laptop around with you, however, we do have this chip we can inject into your hand! It’s a simple choice. We are speculating against teams of criminals.

Another conspiracy kook. Our Congress would never allow that to happen here in US..........................I’m sure there are laws against this sort of thing. Border patrol and ICE would put a stop to this.............................(sarcasm)

All the guilty perpertratiors should be forced to face justice! However the Wicked and Evil have taken over control of the Earth. Thousands of years in the making. Many have sold their soles for Money and Power. Heaven or Hell is our destiny. I fear many have made bad choices

Sounds wonderful.............can’t wait till this comes to the USA. Guess I better buy my first smart phone.

Where are the puffy eyes from crying? the snotty nose? Let’s not forget the Kleenex next time….

All medical professionals have been well educated to follow the agenda and nothing else.

I can’t even finish it. What in the actual hell!? ? It sounds like she spends her entire day infusing her body with pee! I used to think this woman had good information. This has to be the sickest thing I have EVER heard. EVER. Doesn’t Bill Gates also want you to drink pee and eat shit?


I also like the guy’s stuff. He’s on the ball.

The ClosetTrumpeters will lose their lose their minds over this.