
Sounds that way doesn’t it?

Is your use of the term "truther" meant to be derogatory?

In other words America is in by big trouble!rnIt’s too bad the masses are still sound asleep!!

I was listening to Christian radio last night and dude had an interview with trump and he was basically saying all the same stuff about protecting israel and eliminating anti-semitism. he mentioned that he heard people saying recently the holocaust didn’t happen.

You can tell how exhausted we are all getting. The truth isn’t going to be accepted by many. The very elect will be deceived. Pray for strength and patience. We will become martyred for God.

Grow some thicker skin truther.

Good catch...!

Very few openly admit that ALL these weaponized storms being blamed on climate change are man made storms, caused by the Prince of the Power of the air Ephesians 2:1-3

Not any real truth movement anymore, eh Matty? Not even on 153News unless you’re speaking?

Who is filming ?


In all fairness, in the actual full broadcast at around 44 min in the say that it is a space walk simulation.

What matters, is that Biden or any other politician, would not come close to repeating those words today. These days, the media as well as all politicians refuse to acknowledge any racial disparity when it comes to violent crime. The emperor has such a fine new set of clothes, doesn’t he?

Not happening under Biden, and it doesn’t matter whether or not that he may have said it.

It is worse than a documentary on a mountain climber being the first to reach the summit. However, the cameraman is at the summit filming that climber getting to the top.

yup, you’re a lucky man. A loving supportive wife, a rare pearl of great price, that makes life worth living.

rnYes, It’s dream guitar, one of the best playing, best sounding guitars I have ever played and plugged in to an acoustic amplifier it is top shelf, the only thing I have that compares is my 1975 Martin D-35 however it has no pick-up or cutaway. This is a true performance guitar! My wife backs me in everything I do! I’m a luckey man.

Well said. If this, is the ultimate lesson to be learned, as many religious people think. It has to be the hardest lesson in the universe. Somehow, the premise doesn’t add up to reality.

One tends to think folks are dumber these days by simple observation, but I find unbearable if not almost impossible to watch the stupid stuff I thought was perfectly informative and normal, when I first watched it, back in yesteryear.

I saw that, great show.