Comments is a 72-part series delving into the many anomalies of the baltimore key bridge takedown

Vatican controls all "sides". Trump, Biden, Fauci, Newsom, all deeply Jesuit trained. Pretty soon the religia app will begin limiting travel, food, sunlight, even oxygen.

Wow, I pray to God that he would keep me out of those streets and those thugs.

I saw that broadcast. I zip through all three networks (recorded) usually on a daily basis. It’s painful, but they have to be kept an eye on. Sadly, they’re almost verbatim in their reporting.

Here’s another report from his friend.rn... heart attack.rn... i did my best to get him to stop going to the ’mobster’ in the butcher’s coat and away from pharma poisons but he was on his own ’path’.

Yes, the RC church system is the anti-christ (and possibly the protestant offspring the false prophet)

A guy who says he’s his best friend said so. His friend’s words appear heartfelt and genuine.

Are you sure he is dead? I got an email from him on the 27th of April...

I have a ceramic gravity filter, it can last up to a year but the filters are expensive at 70.00 but that’s the price you pay when you want to drink water that’s not compromised.

I have been wondering about him, sorry to hear.about it, thanks for the update.

To whom it may concern: I received this message just today. (PeaceTerrorist on 153news) FOR ANY OF DR MENO’S FOLLOWERS ... MY GOOD BUDDY DR MENO DIED APRIL 27TH, 2024 ... I ALREADY MISS HIM ... REST IN PEACE GOOD BUDDY

Caused by geoengineering/chemtrails,weather operations, sapere aude.

And this people’s are THEIRS created creation since 60 until 90 they completely destroyed the black community from 50 , 40 , and we know who they are because they are doing exactly the same to white people, look around, we aren’t in Kansas anymore is likely AshkeNAZI Bolshevik dystopian terror.

So instead of realest the bees , they aloud theirs master "government" to burn it to the grow no under the Europeans are so easily bamboozled to destroying their countries & colonies by the usual suspects the AshkeNAZI cabal

Since space programs are just a big retarded circus created to fooling entertain the nations of retarded televised zzzzzzombies, the joke is on who posted, period why is so easy for jooos control your nations, Jesus and Hitler 2 biggest ace’s on wall of the jooos planning

Like NASA all others space agencies that continue to bamboozle retarded fooling everyone including you lol Nemo scit quantum nescit

I guess they promote anything but vaginal intercourse with the opposite sex that might produce a baby. I remember a woman being kicked out of a town hall meeting for her bad language when she was reading directly from one of those kids books.

I recently bought a water distiller. It takes out everything. Best purchase I’ve made in years. Takes about 4 hours to make 1 gallon.

Programming children to be mentally ill. It’s hard to watch.

Wouldn’t be advisable...