
Nothing seems shocking anymore. An Ashkenazi Jew at the controls of a primarily Catholic Christian country. The Jewish influence is nothing new to Mexico. I expect fun times ahead for the Mexican people.

Twilight Zone.

Sean, Steve Hindi, Susan Bassi, and Bay Area Transparency are the best auditors by far. Too Apree and Silence Boy are the funniest. All the people auditing the Scientologists are fun to watch too.

Good stuff, but pleae roll up your window bro.

The sun and moon in our reality render to the observer in a similar manner to how they render to your avatar in video games. We exist within a very highly advanced form of supernatural virtual reality created by YHWH. For proof, just search for the multitude of photos/videos of clouds behind the sun and moon - some even show the sun/moon cutting through a cloud. Or better yet, look to the sky yourselves the next time weather conditions present an opportunity to observe this for yourselves.


Gary, I’m "almost" convinced that his blatant, over-the-top adherence to the tribe’s official story may be a message that "they’ve got the "photos" and I’m really not so criminally stupid as to believe these creepy fairy tales". But you may be right, like Clinton, Obama, and Biden’s unbelievable 2020 winning streak, these guys just seem to appear out of nowhere.

What a great video. I am ashamed that he is from my home state of Louisiana. He came out of nowhere.

I was afraid of this Fauci stuff, but the strange thing the Dutch media and the Dutch conspiracy theorists (Wappies) are all quiet/silent about it.

Cops deserve every bit of misery we can dish out.

Matty, Has anyone ever told you that you have a potty mouth? In a span of 3 minutes and 22 seconds you said FUCK or FUCKING 9 times, SHIT 5 times, BULL SHIT 4 times, CRAP, PISSED OFF, HELL once. That averages out to one curse word every 9 seconds.

Outstanding video, as always. The part you did with the comparison of people living near ranges vs Uvalde gun shot sounds is stellar work. It made me remember that the last time I went to a small state park here in Michigan, a gun and archery range had opened somewhere near it so while you were enjoying the beach you would hear gun shots. I just looked up the distance and it appears to be approx 1.6 miles! And that is with a small forest in between! It is utterly impossible those sounds would not be heard outside of the school. I’m surprised they didn’t pull a Ukraine and play the sounds over a PA system.

That Sgt. FAGey f**ked with the wrong guy (Reyes)...............I remember seeing the original video of that animal, savage, lunatic, FAG-ey. I hope they don’t Side Thorn this Reyes guy................He better be careful.

The scary part is he can answer the news repeaters questions, as if he believes his own answers.

This guy is a Trump endorsed moron. Stupid puppet.

My friend, we tried to contact you but you keep disputing your donations to 153news. You are gonna get our ability to process cards killed. Guys please don’t donate here and the dispute the’s hard enough keeping this place alive.

finkelstein is fantastic at pointing out the obvious. still its nice to hear it.

It has NEVER been by the people.

If you didn’t learn what was going on in 2020, you are too brainwashed to grasp the truth of anything. They have been setting all of this up for many, many years and that includes putting the right folks into the right jobs. Behind The Green Mask.

It is not just architecture. Look at the statues of Bellini. No way he did those with a chisel and one piece of marble. It is also the airships and the sky trams, the world fairs, the orphans, and the aether. Look up the healing zoo in Berlin.