
Good comment

Why We Don’t Build "Beautiful" Buildings Anymore


He really hated me going against the ivermectin so he is a controlled agenda at best or has been taken over by AI and wont let you seek against what he says

He will kick you off per my commits were on the other channel Bitchut

This one while not the original, is actually more enlightening, it actually portrays RD as to what he is behind the veil, this can’t be all that far from the truth for anyone who would hang out with spirit cooking Satanist Marina Abramovic, Hell they are all Satanists.

Looks like some of that retardation has rubbed off on this holy cleric.

I actually stood inside the 5FTdia. x 1.5FTdeep cylinder bore of a real hydraulic diamond press cylinder in the 1980’s. Just down the aisle from that, I was machining the three 16"dia x 15ft long buttress threaded shafts that held it all together. Very few tasks are that interesting. As usual, that press was destined for China. The destruction of American industry started long ago, and I participated many times.

No big deal ,Snakes supporting shapeshifters. THEY ARE THE SAME PEOPLE.

I waiting to see if I have to change the title of this video to "And the Law Almost Won"

You caught me by surprise on this one, I was expecting the original enlightening speech.

This is much better than the real speech.

It seems to be true - we don’t build like this now. I’ve read or heard something over and over again - people seem to just blanket state that society had all these amazing feats of architecture at one point, but that they can’t be built in today’s society - it’s this large belief among many that it’s impossible. However, when we look at the way our society has become, purposefully making things that fall apart - this notion kind of crumbles with it. There is no need to build like this. Tptb are tearing all things down anyway. Our cars, our phones, our (name a product) all falls apart deliberately faster than they should. To answer a question about the structures - they’ve built massive structures of the past the way they do today - they build massive outer frameworks, so that people and product can be put in their proper place. Anyway, this is just one opinion about it. There can be a lot to talk about here, no doubt. How about some of the massive mad-made things of ancient times? Maybe giants built some or all of them? More thoughts come up, of course. Are preterist’s seeing something to explain their point of view? Are we being lied to about this spectacular recent history of such structures? I think it’s a great post and a great conversation to continue...

I agree, Setsunna. I don’t like this video either. Actually, you got farther into it than I did before I stopped watching. But just because it’s posted here doesn’t mean that 153 supports racism - not at all. It’s just a regrettable video on a free-speech site. We don’t have to give all the videos posted here credence. Sometimes the comments are just as important, or even more so. That is the case here.

It’s amazing that most people don’t realize what you just said. It’s almost always the case regardless of skin color, the majority tends to think less of the minority. Brainwashed people can’t see that if one is favorable towards their own kind, doesn’t mean that they are automatically against people who are not. There isn’t a thing that Pierce said in this talk, that can’t be corroborated with facts. That’s the point of the video. What Pierce said 28 years ago came to pass. I have to admit that the very same stuff was going on in his time, but it’s much worse now.

We’re watching a reality TV show for the sheep. All they’re doing is cranking up the hatred between idiots on the left and idiots on the right. Does anyone here actually believe this isn’t 100% staged? No way anything bad happens to Trump.

And the gringo bingo curse can be broken once you understand the language, the culture, and world. It took us about 5 years to not get screwed everywhere we went. That part is over. But good luck getting a public bus. We don’t even get a chance to sit on the back of the bus. As I think about this we have even had bus drivers flip us off as they speed away. Good times, good time.

I find it extremely ’ignorant’ when people say ’this site’ and label everyone a racist. I find it very disappointing when people attack me for a content creators views and words. People cry racism all the time and have ZERO idea what 2024 racism is all about. Let me set this up for you. I live In a country with very few white people. Now being 1% white here is bad enough, then we have the fact this country hates Americans since they invaded and attacked my current country and controlled their resources and canal. When we go to anywhere to buy anything, there is the brown skin local price and then the white man price. If you don’t speak Spanish you will get ’Gringo Bingod’. Wanna take the ’local bus’ that everyone takes, good luck. We have a going joke of how many times we will get rejected before they will stop to pick us up. One of my kids was getting on the bus with a bunch of locals and they slam the door on him and drive away. So racism? Yeah it happens. People judge you because of the color of your skin. Ignorant people who fail to realize that we all bleed the same and it’s not about skin color. For 8 years now we have gone to lengths not letting the ’white pride’ guys get a grip in here. We had this insane dude named lively locksmith who uploaded a video of himself attacking a black family dropping n bombs. There was zero point in it. He has left the building. Time and time again when these content providers say things like all blacks are bad I always point out every single culture has issues and the entire burning of America is a controlled demolition. So when people say this site as everyone being to blame for what others don’t like others saying pisses me off. I have fought and continue to fight for every man, woman and child of every nation, race, and creed. If you have chosen to judge a person by their skin color understand from me living in a truly anti white community that it’s wrong on every level and it doesn’t matter who you are, if you judge a man by their skin color you are a shell of a person of who you could be if you realized we are all on the same team.

There is a big difference between supporting racism and not stiffing free speech which is guaranteed under the constitution. As far as being a racist site and supporting it is a total mischaracterization. Jason is totally apposed to racism and I have heard him criticize those who support racist ideologies while allowing them to speak freely. CENSORSHIP KILLS. It is the media who squelches freedom of speech and they do it at every turn while allowing the Jews a free pass while they destroy America with their multicultural and LGBTQ agenda. And remember it was Jews Arab’s and their own black countrymen who started and first sold them into slavery, but that is forgotten history that is being suppressed, and these same people go ape shit crazy when they here it because they can’t handle the truth EVER.