
The thing of it is, that back then we all trusted the American govt. And IQs were much higher back then. I was just a preteen but still.

That cord is so phony. Just look at the size of a jeep wrangler frame from back then. That was their “dune buggy” and it had a HUGE battery on it with two green and white lawn chairs strapped to it. How would that have ever fit? Then be sure you look at the price they charged us for this pos.

Nothing will happen. Can you name all the infamous people who have testified before Congressional committees and got convicted of anything? Of course not, because not one of them have. You can lie and perjure yourself, you can withhold and destroy subpoenaed evidence, you write conflicting testimony in your book, you can argue with the prosecution and claim they are the wrongdoers, you can prosecute or get rid of whistleblowers, and nothing ever happens. Not even contempt. Nothing. If the Hildebeast still walks free, then no one else will ever be ’even charged’ with anything. Georgie and Dicky gave their testimony behind closed doors and not under oath and their statements have been permanently sealed. In twenty plus years we have been watching political theatre and almost no one seems to ’get it’.

The white race will cease to exist but when the colonizer is gone a new colored colonizer will take his place and set us back again

so you have a STEEL building full of chickens. Since steel doesn’t burn, what else could possibly been in this huge building, to make a fire that huge? Lies, lies and more lies.

The chances of something happening to Fraudci is about the same as something happening to the Hildebeast. Zero. I consider Dork Chayney in the top ten of the most evil humans on the planet. Anything happen there? No. The history books will contain the narrative and all the brainwashed children will have to memorize it for their standardized exams. Makes you wonder how much of what we know is just as factual as the infamous day of planes. Who could have had the imagination to have thought of it says Georgie and the crew.


it’s flat that’s why they fake the moon landings to make people think it was a globe. Anyone who says it’s not hasn’t taken a weekend and tried to prove they live on a spinning ball. It’s that simple. I’m glad I got a P900 while you could still get one thank you for the video.

Poor Fauci, it’s all political theater, Dr Kary Mullis had Fauci’s number and publicly criticized him and said Fauci didn’t know anything and he would tell him to his face, but Fauci refused, and Dr Kary Mullis was removed from this realm to prevent him from speaking out.

All of these Muppets need to be held accountable for what they’ve done. Trump is just as much to blame as Fauci. He locked the country down and gave him awards while he was in office. We can only hope this man has to run for his life, when he leaves his car or his home to wherever he’s going. and I wish somebody would ask this little midget Fauci about the hand signs he throws up before he goes up on the podium and talks all his bullshit. This man ain’t allowed to walk through my yard. Thank you for the video. I love the channel.

Of course she is. Mexico is a different animal, though, the cartel down there are savages.

Meet the new boss, same as the old boss, WE WON’T GET FOOLED AGAIN. Dictatorship naturally arises out of Democracy and the most aggravated form of tyranny out of the most extreme liberty......Plato.

Yeah the minute I saw the name I knew she was Jewish, and she is letting us know as she pranced to the stage arrayed in he Jewish/Jesuit purple letting us all know that she is owned...... World events do not occur by accident, they are made to happen, whether it is to do with national issues or commerce, and most of them are staged and managed by those that hold the purse strings........ Denis Healey.

But they don’t run everything, right? That is a mandatory fiction. You must be anti-ashkenazi! I am sure she and the Don will be great friends. It’s all being lined up for the final play.

Thanks man. Check out these dudes: They expose the fact that Earth is a rectangle and how the AE map is disinfo (ie: there are 2 poles as proved by polaris in the north and sigma octans in the south).

MIPA... Morgan Spurlock died of cancer about a month ago... Fun show Gary and Dr. Fetzer. Looking forward to some USS Liberty coverage next week. Lots of reunion stuff out there the past few years. Also, what year is that guitar?

Nothing seems shocking anymore. An Ashkenazi Jew at the controls of a primarily Catholic Christian country. The Jewish influence is nothing new to Mexico. I expect fun times ahead for the Mexican people.

Twilight Zone.

Sean, Steve Hindi, Susan Bassi, and Bay Area Transparency are the best auditors by far. Too Apree and Silence Boy are the funniest. All the people auditing the Scientologists are fun to watch too.

Good stuff, but pleae roll up your window bro.