
And do we really know if Bill is still with us or not? NO.

I hear the IDF arms/funds/runs the cartels.

With his supposed investigative skills and his claiming that all the mass school shootings had actual victims and he never corrected those falsehoods and of course with all his alien crap. I’m gonna have to vote 100% cointelpro agent.

There is no way Macho Mexico elected a female much less a kike female.

From approx 06:50 - 07:02 - Did he say, "It’s good that the coast guard is here because they can stop people from leaving, anymore?"

Bill’s not with us anymore, with all due respect I believed Columbine was real at the time but do not now but was orchestrated by the government, he certainly didn’t get everything right, as I have not, neither you or many others, but I do believe he was genuine at the end, you are entitled your opinion we just disagree respectfully. I had to go back and reassess some of the early views on shooting events like Columbine, The Luby’s Restaurant shooting in Killeen TX, and the school yard shooting in Stockton California, and the alleged McDonald’s shooting in San Ysidro California, I haven’t been able to prove that these happened or never happened but I’m more skeptical about these events now then I was back then, I’m looking for conclusive from someone that these were actually elaborate fakes. I believe the government is involved in the majority of these events, and is not beyond taking lives for their world agenda.

Orion with mental patients and hypnosis, shooting up school yards? Not a single mass school shooting has had actual victims. Propaganda garbage, pushed by another cointelpro agent, Bill Cooper.

Everything you need to know about Alex Jones, best compilation ever...rnrnAlex Jones Is Bill Hicks Whether You Like It Or Not - Death Hoax, Masonic Deceivers, CIA Shillrn

I blame the school brainwashing, the TV, the movies, the media and the lack of balanced successful adults in their lives. Add this to no jobs and the soaring inflation and this is what you get...mob rule. Can you guess what happens to you if you use something to defend yourself? It will be sold on TV as if you sought out 30 innocent teens to purposefully hurt them.

YES BUT --what if this was merely setting up Dr. Buttar???????? He was a prominent anti vax alt medicine figure. All they would need to do is have the girl go to him reporting real symptoms consistent with vaccine poisoning, trying to get compensation in court. Naturally he’d endorse her cause and agree to be filmed for a news piece. Then they later film her acting like a loon (or controlled opp shill) and it makes Buttar look like a loon (or controlled opp shill) for endorsing her cause.

As Gary King has pointed out, together with a link in the comments, this footage is a SIMULATION and advertised as such. That doesn’t take away from the other BS they have been caught doing, but let’s stop with the "omg so fake, how did anyone believe this is real" when we’ve all been told it’s NOT.

Thank you for being honest. There’s enough BS out there from NASA as it is, we don’t need people to muddy the waters with footage like this

Good stuff

Listening to Jones fake crying is like listening to Jimmy Swaggart asking forgiveness for having sex with a prostitute. This is as bad as Jones saying during a SHTF scenario that he would eat his neighbors ASS, and string them up like a butcherd hog so he could have baby back ribs.

he is faker he crys all the time then goes on to try and sell his overpriced crap

Yes obedience is key, working out our salvation through keeping the commandments ie loving YHWH above all and our neighbour like ourselves. Jason I can’t see my comments but wanted to reply about you bashing Paul: it seems like you were right, this series is nice and this channel is even better: I’m now studying the deity of Yahusha and it looks like you were right there too, just wanted to get that out.

Why is he still breathing?

People don’t need to be gentiles. In Scriptures it isn’t a good thing. A gentile is someone who doesn’t obey the laws, statutes, and commandments of our Creator. The chosen people are those who serve the Creator of the Universe as He asks us to serve Him. The so called Jews of today are like every other religion, they are lawless. The laws of our Creator don’t matter and so our Creator rejects them. The laws of YHWH are simple enough. I put together a simple list of what exact the laws are for anyone that is curious what the Scriptures actually say. It’s on the main page.

My Father never spoke of his (Korean) wartime combat tribulations. What he did tell me, what’s the saying? It wasn’t pretty. The HollowCause museums will be able to program whatever they want the robotic Holovivors to say with impunity. lampshades, soap, shrunken heads, whatever they want, far into the future.

Not only do they not hide it anymore they are outright rubbing our faces in it. Literally laughing all the way to the bank.