Telegram - is a free-speech encrypted messaging platform that many have started to use as an alternative to Twitter. It supports groups, channels and subscriptions. Telegram has seen tremendous growth recently with over 500 million monthly active users. Telegram may be used via the website, desktop app on many operating systems or Apple/Google app.
FreeTalk 45 - is a social media platform run by OAN, One America News Network. FreeTalk is also similar to the other free-speech alternatives to Twitter or Facebook. It has a post character limit similar to Twitter. FreeTalk 45 posts are limited to 260 characters, which is a bit too short compared to other free-speech platforms. It also has pages, groups and events like Facebook. FreeTalk 45 may be used via the website or Apple/Google app. The website currently appears to be a bit slower to respond than some of the other platforms.
Gab - is like a combination of Facebook and YouTube. The main social media portion is similar to Facebook and includes groups and chats. The included GabTV is similar to YouTube and includes channels and subscriptions of favorite content. Gab also honors the Freedom of Speech. They do have sponsored ads but they are not as intrusive as the ads on Facebook. Gab also has its own privacy focused browser available named Dissenter and they have built out their own infrastructure, so they can’t be cancelled by big brother tech. Gab is only accessed by the website. They do not have an app so that Apple/Google can not censor or ban it.
Minds - is similar to Facebook with groups, chats and a crypto currency twist. It is targeted to content producers who wish to earn crypto from their posts. It has a built-in crypto token wallet that can be used to boost posts and to send or receive reward tokens. Minds+ accounts can earn tokens for posting popular content. Minds may be used via their website or Apple/Google app. will always be my first love. But I still think we need a backup platform in the event 153 gets taken down (which it has for brief periods in the past) or if we don’t meet our financial needs at some point. Here’s some of the options I’ve found:
The problem with the truth even here at 153 is that even those who seems know these things call the bs 1984 Graphene poison for a vaccine ? I bet they get Fraudci out of the way ,this time and the far right will drive the rest of the Show called the USA to the End.. So this Junior fraud who was paid to back up Trump to convince Trump gets enough votes for a win, will what i believe drive the Ivermectin poison more ,what Trump tried to sell in the beginning of the Plandemic .But the powers behind wanted just the bs 1984 to be the one to sell. So the "white hats" had to sell it to their far right followers who still buys that poison scam lol. Thats my guess when they start the new plandemic after Trump is installed again. I told when Junior was becoming involved in this supposed race that he was pulled in to become the new Bernie Sanders who gave his votes to Trump ,what was planned . So i was right lol. That Sanders still is around and the Democrats have mot "Hanged him high" shows how low IQ the voters have in the US and what a theater everything is around these elections and the US politics. So Junior got his followers and voters now who is him faithful like Sanders fans was and will do the same here lol. Junior is high profiled and needed by this agenda to get Trump this supposed boost. Why Jr will be given a important job as the new dr Mengele what it seems . Why he probably was in Germany several times in 2020 giving speeches at the several demonstrations there against lockdowns as at the biggest 1.5 million on the streets of Berlin. Totally controlled by the Controlled Opposition and everything was silenced by the western media .lol.
God bless you, your family and everyone that donated!!! Long Live!!!!
They own enslaved the commun sense & reasoning and the critical thinking, to end another AshkeNAZI handlers global networks aka the destroyers of humanity.
Month is 100% everyone. Another nail biter. Huge love ya all!
Will do Coop’
The destruction of the 1st and 2nd by satanic devils. The Millenials and x,ers are totally blind....we’re fucked.
I’ll be glad to leave my email if you will check your email. the middle class......same bs since my birth nearly 50 years ago now... f him and rfk Jr that fraud
The Fox 10 lady looks MK ULTRA’d to the max. Kinda like James Holmes...
save 153
Burn them all.
She Lied ! She no good! lol
A Call for an Uprising points out all the time how she is part of the controlled opposition Big Club.
They have made it abundantly clear that they have no regard for the 1st Amendment, we already know how they feel about the 2nd Amendment and our forefathers warned us about them, and to the majority of Americans this has fallen on deaf ears. Please Donate to 153News and keep this 1st Amendment free speech platform alive to counter what these elites want for us which is Tyranny and Slavery, don’t let that happen, William Cooper often said, they regard us as nothing more than steaks on their table.