
It’s not strange, he also used to talk shit to the people who would call in about the chemtrails, he would completely berate them and tell them they were nut jobs, LOL. He simply didn’t have all the answers, just as nobody really does. He was a flawed, honest and genuine human being. Not a controlled shit bag w a script. He had a mind of his own. Don’t make the mistake of holding people to such a high standard that they can never reach it, which leaves you forever mistrusting of those who may have perfectly honest intentions and could have been a valuable asset in the fight against this techno-tyranny.

Of course they are all fake with no dead and no wounded. Why kill anyone when the sheep believe everything they see on TV and the others see a big bad boogeyman. Way too messy of an operation to actually kill people. They absolutely love it when so-called truthers fall into one of their rabbit holes of disinformation. One day maybe but not today...

Bill Cooper was the real deal, he was wrong about some stuff, yes, but a liar he was NOT. They killed Bill and filled that vacuum with AJ. I have the episodes of The Hour of The Time where Bill calls AJ out completely on his shillness. I’m only sorry I didn’t hear it until a couple years back for the first time. As far as AJ goes.. look at it from his perspective, he’s been calling this shit out for decades, and did anybody stand up and do anything? Nope.. So when the final offer came down from the top, to get him to sell out, he probably said "Fuck it, I’ve been doing this my whole life and for WHAT?!?, FUck these people!" I can see that happening at some point in the last few decades. When? Idk, but ill say this.. if it weren’t for AJ, MANY people would never have woken up to any of this, me included. So give credit where credit is due if you’re being honest. It is clear that AJ sold out at some point, or maybe agreed to tow a specific narrative to lead his followers astray long enough so that the technocratic enslavement system can be put firmly into place, but the man tried, did he not?

Dragging around a mannequin is not a massacrernColumbine High School massacre 19999 rnrnVideo in response to those who believe the Dunblane and other alleged mass shootings are real.rnPARENTS OF MASSACRED DUNBLANE CHILDREN CHUCKLE WITH TONY BLAIR 1996rn

Jessica Lynch????????????????????????????????

I want that goddamned ship on the ocean floor................sounds like something LBJ would say.

I may be wrong, but I always thought that these mass shootings were orchestrated. The early ones like Hungerford, Dunblane, and Port Arthur using patsies lured to the scene to take the blame, but with real victims shot by hired gunmen. Port Arthur there were people (reported) being shot at the same time at different locations. It wouldn’t make sense to script that if it didn’t really happen. At Columbine students claimed there were men dressed like police shooting at kids from the roof and doorways out of camera range. This was all covered up of course. After 2007 with Virginia Tech, Fort Hood, Aurora, etc those were surely scripted/staged with actors and no victims.

It is the way members of secret societies communicate with each other in different countries. The events are color-coded to signal that it is their operation, they have the situation under control.

SIDE THORN. Off topic. By the way Side Thorn, I will take the opportunity to tell you that I listened to Ole Dammegard, do not remember what title the video had. Ole has walked around Stockholm and told about what happened / was reported in the media on February 28, 1986 regarding the murder of Prime Minister Olof Palme. Ole Dammegard, Claes Hedberg and Hans Liljeson are of the opinion that Palme was never murdered but smuggled abroad, and they can present good evidence. rnrn Ole says that he gets requests if he can come to Stockholm and do the Olof Palme-tour again. But Ole says that a lawyer has warned him not to come to Sweden, as the Swedish government is now coming up with new rules to sentence people who engage in subversive activities in society to long prison sentences. The lawyer has told Ole that he risks 18 years in prison if he comes to Sweden. Ole stated in the video that he does not want to take that risk.

i don’t quite recall - what is the significance of the color purple?

haha. funny - I will make a video on what "ai" really is...been so busy. lol - "ai" is simply sophisticated theft and pattern re-arrangment - it is not ’thinking’... it’s scripted + random pattern re-arrangment.

Absolutely wonderful song!

TX Cafeteria Shooting Hoax- Part 1rn Cafeteria Shooting Hoax- Part 2rn Cafeteria Shooting Hoax- Part 3- Coincidences & Comebacks!rn

Bill Cooper has given out good information, but it is strange that he did not see through the mass shootings as orchestrated, that they were pure theater events to make people scared.rnrnBILL COOPER ADMITS HE WAS ORDER OF DEMOLAYrn

I don’t believe the government is involved in the majority of these events, I think the government is involved in all mass shootings.rnAs Celeste Solum put it: The US is run by FEMA...rnHave a look at this video: TX Cafeteria Shooting Hoax- Part 1 Luby Cafeteria 1991rn

Jews created the Jesuits and "took them over" long ago.

And do we really know if Bill is still with us or not? NO.

I hear the IDF arms/funds/runs the cartels.

With his supposed investigative skills and his claiming that all the mass school shootings had actual victims and he never corrected those falsehoods and of course with all his alien crap. I’m gonna have to vote 100% cointelpro agent.

There is no way Macho Mexico elected a female much less a kike female.