
Not same person.

I definitely agree with you on Ted, he is one lying SOS, and all the Pro gun organizations like the NRA GOA and the whole lot of them are singing the same tune as the MSM, they are one in the same and are sleeping with the enemy, as far as if we really know if Bill is really dead or not, no one can say he is not dead, I have read the coroners finding which rulled his death a homicide due to the direction of the fatal shot and the powder stippling on his head, writing that he was on his knees when killed, if someone can prove that is fake then everything is debunked. I read the link on Luby’s restaurant massacre which I had not previously seen from 6 years ago and believed it was real at the time, those were good videos by Jeffersonian Girl, I can’t imagine how I could have ever believed that Susanna Gratis Hupp was lying, but I believed her then till I saw the compilation of videos, I’m reassessing my views on all the so-called mass shootings since the University of Texas shooting in 1966 allegedly by Charles Whitman, why are there so many killers in the military, or are they just plain patsies, or Manchurian candidate’s used for an agenda? The entire military has been overtaken by subversive elements that hate the American people and freedom, no one can deny that and I have no doubt that if ordered to fire on Americans they would do it without question.


Masters of deception


Sandy Hoax families made many dimes .The fake trial of AlexJones to me is a way to persue anyone in future from bringing these gun grab hoax mass shootings into light.

Exactly it is not worth the risk, people who are interested in the tour regarding Olof Palme can look up old videos.

Yep, being that the fake mass shootings are the ultimate litmus test, Bill Cooper was either blind and retarded or a cointelpro sellout bitch. Your choice...

A sellout is a sellout and there is no excuse for those actions. Alex Jones sold his soul to the feds that is an obvious fact and as far as Bill Cooper is concerned there is no way he could look at all of the fake school shootings he claimed were real and come to the conclusion that people were actually killed. A blind man can see the hoaxes for what they are. He reminds me of Ted Nugent who claims to be a school mass shooting expert and also claims that people were killed in every single one. Evidence shows that Bill Cooper is either a cointelpro agent or one of the dumbest motherfuckers to ever spend one second researching the mass school shooting HOAXES. Either way NOTHING Alex Jones, Bill Cooper or Ted Nugent says or said can be trusted as fact. Period.

I hear a lot about Judy Woods making DEW appear ridiculous, and I agree she’s been an incredibly divisive character in truth movement (knowingly or otherwise). What part of her presentation (or in her book) is ridiculous? I’m suspect of her "there was NO explosions" when clearly it can be heard, and many more people reported hearing them - but this issue aside, I thought her work was generally good. I also have heard lots of people accuse her of using the term "space lasers" etc, which she didn’t, so there’s definitely a bit of back and forth over this character - so I’m always interested in peoples input over her, if you care to expand on that. Many thanks

yep.. and for purposes of harvesting your energy... and I mean that literally. Just like the movie the matrix, except much less sci-fi and more practical. rnrn"The human body generates more bioelectricity than a 120-volt battery. And over 25,000 BTUs of body heat.".. " The machines had found all the energy they would ever need. There are fields, Neo, endless fields, where human beings are no longer born. We are grown." - The matrix 1999rnrn"Your flesh is a relic, a mere vessel. Hand over your flesh and a new world awaits you. We demand it." - The Animatrix

Correct, WE are the substrate, no chip necessary. In other words we have become the breadboards and the circuits are grown inside of us and self assembled. The shots were probably a different but also related program having to do likely with the population control aspect and for those who lived, a different study involving what blood types, races, sexes, ect can live through having such a technology inside of them vs those who cannot. Who knows.

Perfectly said. The AI is simply attached to a super large dataset and can recognize patterns better than us and in a fraction of the time, it’s never ALWAYS right, but it can be right at a rate soemthing like 90 - 98% of the time because it is not human, and we can practice free will on a dime and throw it off at any point. This is why its been hidden for so long and still obfuscated now to the general ChatGPT using public. If everyone were to really know its full abilities, it might be a lot easier to identify and attack or to render the whole system useless. Never know.


The only thing they said about it was "these weapons are designed to make the target feel like they’re crazy", and then immediately clammed up and referred to executive session.rnThis could be talking about the energy weapons AND the AI subversion being used on social media to drive narratives and distract people into pointless and endless arguments over dumb shit that doesn’t matter. I think it’s both and more.

Thanks!!rnYeah they are blatant about their tyranny now.

I think those real early shootings were indeed organic and what happened was that daddy gov learned from them and decided that they would be the only ones to do them at a certain point, and only for narrative control. The emotional energy in the air from columbine blowback was so thick that you probably could have measured it with a multimeter. I was also alive then, albeit just around about 12 or 13 years old. It really shaped everything.rnThere is nothing like a good ol’ school shooting to pre-position just before some massive messaging goes out. Remember, fear will put the mind into a certain brave wave state where it is easily programmable for a time afterwards. MKUltra 101, right there. Anyways I am preaching to the choir.

He denounced the alien crap publicly and admitted he was duped. Why would he do that if he was an agent? Makes 0 sense. And he never "corrected those falsehoods" because back then nobody had the evidence that we do now for all the fakery bullshit shootings. It’s real easy to speak from a position of hindsight about it, but Bill Lived in a much different time where accurate information was 90% found in books and the running joke was only starting for "oh because you read it on the internet", dont forget Bill was an older gentleman, not some new kid who could understand a lot of technology. Different times, different generation.

Thanks for the information. No doubt Ole should stay away from Sweden. I don’t think he would like eating beans and rice every day...

It’s not strange, he also used to talk shit to the people who would call in about the chemtrails, he would completely berate them and tell them they were nut jobs, LOL. He simply didn’t have all the answers, just as nobody really does. He was a flawed, honest and genuine human being. Not a controlled shit bag w a script. He had a mind of his own. Don’t make the mistake of holding people to such a high standard that they can never reach it, which leaves you forever mistrusting of those who may have perfectly honest intentions and could have been a valuable asset in the fight against this techno-tyranny.