
It was refreshing seeing a classroom full of kids pushing back against the LGBTQ+ agenda bullshit.

I’ll add them to my list to share with others too. I know a lot of people who are extremely addicted to sugar in all its forms. Some have even had to self-ban from entering grocery stores since they will walk out with 90+% sugar-based junk food.

By the way, those three links in the description, still have very good, comprehensive and in-depth information along the same lines. Worth a look.

I don’t use additional sugar in anything. It’s the hidden sugar that is more deceptive. It takes some effort to avoid in daily life. I hope this video is news to some. It’s very important information that is not being shared, as usual, by MSM.

This was a good summary of types of foods to avoid. I am thankful that I am blessed with ZERO craving for sugar since it is more addictive than cocaine.

I have heard a steady state low frequency hum in previous years. There was a site that I considered reporting it to. I don’t know of it is this site: but that might be a way of checking the reach of signals being tested. I had thought it might be audible but I could not capture the sound on the cell phone audio recording.

Yep , full steam ahead ...

Exactly what I was thinking because they made sure to let everyone know he used the word "nigger". Pathetic demons all ...

This isn’t even a fake shooting; it’s just some schmuck pointing a toy gun in a few directions.

When the next fake pandemic occurs, I hope more small businesses will stand up to the tyranny and their locals will support them in resisting the tyranny.

All these hoax mass shootings conveniently just happened to take a break during the Maui mass murders. Now the Department of Homeland Hoaxes is back at it.

FlorinD posted posted below, how this happened. TY

I’m all for going Judge Dredd on them. I find you Guilty, sentence is death, to be carried out immediately.

What a joke . The sad thing is that many innocent whites will now be targeted and murdered for this government lie , especially the children who are forced to spend their days with the racist thugs . When that day comes all of those responsible must hang . No prison terms at all .

btw that was a great call why would he wear body armor and then shoot himself. clown world. great eye brother.

Lol yea a nothingburger even by fake shooting standards. "Racially motivated" is the mantra for this one. Probably to reinforce DeSantis "anti semitism" law.

Your right! Did you see all those bodies hitting the floor and the blood was definitely real.

WOW, that was totally believable that there was a real shooting that took place, I will never question any of these mass casualty exercises again.......... Not.

I think she’s an actress. Solutions, miss?

A cigarette lighter triggered a gas leak in a shop in India