
3.5 years ago I swore if you were a health nut or into sports no way you’d be dumb enough to fall for their lies. Live and learn just how fkn retarded those who think they know something really are. Joe huge was a huge fake dumbfck. Just like jamie dumb fox. Another fuckwit retard. Seen nicholson lately? OMG! for real retard was a multi multi millionaire. Now he’s worth less than my 2cents. Beiber. "I’m being punished cause I didn’t party hard enough". retard with an extra helping of dipshit and he had enough money for ten people. Unbelievable. Just look at his face. That is NOT a sign of intelligence. More like a sign of shitforbrains.

They pushed the tranny crap first IN ORDER to then push the pedo fucks agenda. Not the other way around. Pedophilia IS the agenda and trannies are simply what they try to hide behind. DUHH. Why is it so hard for black people to actually think and comprehend stuff. Stupidity isn’t a science and neither trannies nor pedos are a mystery moron. I’m saying this to the genius in the video not the guy who posted. Shitok is for dipshits

Your face before you click play is actually quite hilarious lol. When I lived maui there was like one single black person who actually lived there. I met another black couple but they were a joke and sold coke out of the apt bldg next door. Anyway the black dude was homeless and I’d watch him walk to lahaina on the pali all the time. Every year he would gradually dress better. No one ever gave him a ride either. i hope he is ok. Maui is like another world from when I was there. Sad

Who said that tool for the fools?

Don’t think that they got all these dance moves down on the first take, much precious time had to be taken away from saving patients in the hospital covid warzone for rehearsal to be camera and ticktock ready, but it’s all for the greater good of the New World Order.

Cough cough cough germs don’t exist do they tool?

He didn’t make anything. He bought that stuff incl the lens adapter he attached to it. Anybody could do exactly what he did with zero knowledge. Plug it in, pull the trigger. he didn’t make shit

Anyone speaking anything but truths shall be hammered up side the head with a baseball bat like you’re going for a home run. Guys a pussie POS.

They originally were called MECO, maui electric company. Just the fact they changed their name tells me they were bought off. From my understanding the rockefellers own ALL the power industries in the entire country. Water, gas, electric, you name it. I remember making payments to meco in person at a tiny little office I think kahalui. People’s heads need to roll for this shit. The entirety of the maui pd needs to be dead. All the heads of all the depts too. Mayor, governor, you name it. DEAD fuck suing them. The only thing that will do is maybe get some money. The land? That’s gone because no one is willing to do what it fng takes with these fckng scum.

Good upload thanks.

There is something extremely fake feeling about the entire thing, I agree. However, the hat guy seems to be something more than just a really odd human or something else in disguise. Is it possible that the hat guy is AI CGI or AI embellished modifications? It would account for the sound glitches and the mask like face and mouth movements that don’t match the words spoken. rnIn today’s world, it is going to get harder and harder to discern CGI from real life.

And you believe that you are upside down on a spinning ball. ROTFFLMFAO.

And the best from the peanut gallery is an ad hominem. That’s an insult in case you didn’t know. How about bringing something other than that? Got any factual information that we all can benefit from? I thought not. Keep blaming the world, it looks good on you.

Keep shaking your head and scoffing. If you don’t believe in God you are a complete fool.

FlatinNH is the germs don’t exist idiot. He is the god of his own mind. Better to ignore this guy than take any advise from him.

If your god dictates that every man should have his penis cut up, you can keep your fucking god. Wake up people.

Did you even view or read what the article contained? Circumcision is MUTILATION, plain and simple, yet you think it makes for better sex? Do some research. SMFH........

If any idiot thinks the mechanics and refuelers are using anything but actual fuel and they simply aren’t mentioning it you are retarded. EVERY flight only uses ENOUGH fuel. They never just fill it up unless the next stop requires it. ALL flights are based on weight of passengers and freight and the actual flight plans. That we have the ability to not use gas to make engines work is true but this has nothing to do with how they use the oil and gas industry to enslave everyone to begin with. If they didn’y use jetfuel believe me you’d knowe about it. ffs. Stupid as flatearth liars. Just more nonsense to feed to the gullible.

God’s Word aka The Holy Bible is nothing more and nothing less than a Spritual Guide. PERIOD. Reading it as if it portends, or predicts, or has anything to do with the ’works’ of man is foolish at best. Nothing should stand between you and God’s Word. Especially not an object. Let thine eyes see what thy mouth cannot speak.

I thought it was for making you less susceptible to germs, and of course different from animals who would never do such a thing. Seems to me if you have sex being circumsized makes it easier and basically ’cleaner’. Forewarned is forearmed. Forskinnedless is forsex more. makes sense if God wants you to procreate. Better than a frontal lobotomy I guess I think.