
Hawaiian Real Estate Eric West interviewer

NASA is used to literally pull the wool over people’s eyes with a constant and steady stream of LIES. The money laundering aint a bad gig either. FU nasa scumbags.

All these whores need DEATH. Fuck em

What’s the NWO’s favorite word? VICTIM. Don’t EVER agree to it or fall for it. EVER. protip

deep fake

Short version is they would never sell. Solution? Kill them all and see if you can kill their whole family at once while burning their structures to the ground. Call it a wildfire and use the corrupt dictate law you yourself just passed to steal the land (by force). Gauranteed they already know exactly what will be constructed AND they have all the money and equipment in place to do so. They are in the 1st phase of the 666 microwave and surveil everybody architecture. If I lived there I would be dead right now is how pissed I am. Worst part is even if you were born there you would certainly not want to live there anymore, it’s a tiny island ffs, which is of course their intent. See how many will simply leave. Serves their purpose. They literally gave them enough to get on the next flight out, maybe.

Finds abandoned walmart with blue roof. Home Sweet Home.. The one I know of near me has military vehicles parked close by but is still a fully functioning public store.rnActually backwards would be TRAMLAW.rnTranslocation across the Membrane (get yours now)rnTransverse Rectus Abdominis Myocutaneous (muscle)

And that’s my point. They want esp to be like you are describing it, but definitely not natural as it should be. I myself understand how to push one’s own thought process onto another. Very rare occurrence but entirely natural and benign. What you refer to is the non-benign transfer of thought. Doesn’t matter how. One is either negative or positive in intent. That’s really all that matters but without context the video is meaningless as a whole. I don’t get a good feeling from the stranger either. Seems like he’s either trying to disrupt or manipulate. Neither of which are benign.

Why were the cars in the field in the first place. Were they the "vehicles" used to start more fires strategically placed but failed?

Walmart= MART-LAW

Excellent find Coop. Rehearsal for Taiwan is probably the only honest thing Stern said. Makes you wonder what intelligence group Stern works for and if his job isn’t removing incriminating evidence from scenes.

These people use ’misdirection’ and ’relabeling’ to get what they want. The 1000+ nuclear tests destroyed much of the earth’s ozone, and the geoengineering chemicals used to mask it caused even worse damage. So, how do they not be called out for destroying the planet? They tell YOU that it’s YOU that is causing the problem, the causal agent is CO2 (which actually is required for all life on the planet), and it is YOUR fossil fuel product use that needs to be eliminated; along with you. It’s like a very poor magic trick. People, see through’s BS.

I still have a shirt that has a picture of a yellow crown on it, and I’d says CORONA HOAX 2020, and it’s going back on along with my shirt that says covid 19 just got tested positive for fraud, man how time flies.

I believe it’s like Gavin De Becker said in my recent "weaponized fear" video. It’s the "adjacency" rule he mentioned, where people irrationally (or were told to think, by divide and conquer Jew media) that anti-vax means anti-gun control, anti-abortion and that only Maga Trumper’s go mask free, etc. Ridiculous associations at their own peril, and at the annoyance of everyone else. Bad thinking.

Sadly the masses are still sound Asleep! Zombafied by Entertainment. Lulled into a false sence of security. Oblivious of everything going on all around them! They don’t even notice the sky above their heads being turned from blue to gray. Nobody seems to notice nobody seems to care.

ESP? There are hundreds of videos I have released that prove this type of audio has nothing to do with anything extra sensory or "paranormal". I can promise you it isn’t.

I hope it’s not too late already? Star Wars. Satellites everywhere! I can look up at night and count. 20 or 30 they are everywarern Low flying satellites. The Airplanes are flying much higher !!

15 Minute Prisons. Every thing you need but cannot leave!

I wear a name card that says BRAIN:ON, MASK:OFF and it still doesn’t sink in with the sheep.......

Wal Marts turning Blue. Code Blue Death! What do they have in store??