
That was my initial thought, why put on the vest, then shoot yourself. Total bullshit!

No doubt about it and they should all be found guilty of their crimes against humanity and put to death .

And it worked for one group for sure .

As if it wasn’t bad enough in this U.S. cesspool now there will be even more sheep slaughtered for their white skin color . Everything about this place is wrong .

Watch frame by frame at 3 to 4 seconds. Black haired guy’s hair changes from black to brown and then his entire upper body disintegrates. Nothing to see here but video chicanery.

Its like we live in a world of spoiled childish billionaires who want everyones toys to hoarde for themselves.

Yes the ones at the top seem to take their oaths to freemasonry over their oaths to serve the population.

Yes. This seems an to attempt to get media attention off Maui

More public theater. So now Glocks are on the hit list too. The zionists that finance this dont seem to understand that blacks cant tell jews from "white people" Its almost like they are calling in artillery on their own position. Possibly another attempt to scare Jews to move to Israel aka the "holocaust"? I heard for every Jew that moves there 5 move out. Obvious hoax.

Oh it’s related alright but this like hundreds of others is just another DHS shitshow .

Where was this recorded? Is it IRL or CGI? What are we supposedly seeing here...a suicide bomber, spontaneous human combustion, DEW, ... other? If this was a recording, did the camera stop recording at that point? When the blue guy on the left disintegrates, the guy behind the counter flinches but seems OK, but the blue guy on the right seems to have been affected by the event but not quite as violently. If it was real, it was real fast. RIP blue guys.

I have zero respect for any of these so-called authorities . The very few who you may think are good people are just as guilty for their silence . There is no such thing as a good cop and today that goes for so many more groups as well . First responders , doctors and judges to name just a few .

Some more details about this?

Right . The true racists .

Worked like a charm on the entire black community . You should see the the hundreds of videos calling for a race war . They don’t quite understand what would happen if they got what they wished for .

A whole lot of sellout trash with full pockets sure are .

All those people and nobody does anything but watch the assault and offer useless lip service .

What’s that all about?

I thought they were never going to get to full screen, don’t know why people record like that, that’s the way the MSM record’s their fake videos, but I applaud this guy’s efforts to not comply, I wish people in America had a spine like his.

Let’s be accurate. It wasn’t a "Fire", it was a DEW attack. Fires don’t burn that hot. People heard the cars exploding when they were targeted.