
So that’s what is was? For some reason it wasn’t HD? Thanks for uploading it.

Keep dancing Jacksonville!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

A guy puts on a bullet proof vest to protect himself from being shot then shoots himself in a place where he is not protected by the bullet proof vest, you have to be a real retard to believe that any of this is real.

3230 3 x 2 = 6 x 3 = 666 They’re in our face again/still.

Talking Head woman reporter has to smile before fake news conference tragedy begins. Another example of strong cities initiative, of course it was a quick response because it was all pre-planned in advance. These people are the real criminals and racist’s, they have to be all brainwashed or in on it to participate in these clown shows, but it’s ok because it all for the greater good.

I’m am relaxed, you don’t know if you don’t ask questions, I started to view your video thinking it might be clearer and there was no way to respond, sorry you perceived my response as something it wasn’t. Have a blessed day Boss.

It’s ALWAYS the same. Unidentified lone gunman, expensive and extensive weaponry for a poor untrained person, kills 3 or 6 or 9, then kills themself, police laud themselves over their quick reaction, press conferences, no answers, shoes, and Strong. What a crock of bullshit. I have truly had it with any type of "authority."

Relax Cooper. That was Truthertz video I was trying to get fixed and see why it wouldn’t upload. I had to recompile it to HD and it finally went.

They look more alike than me and my twin sista!

Justice Will be served one-way or another no doubt God sees all! So be it!

They are acting dumb cause they are dumb and got caught committing murder! And they are trying to hide the truths and cover up their crimes! Go figure the people alive were the ones who disobeyed their orders and took action into their own hands ! If we listen to them we will all be victims next! Where is justice? No one in office is speaking up! Proof they all are evil !they will set the world ablaze before they go to jail or get caught !look at the world its already burning by their hands and the ones who sleep won’t wakeup till they themselves are on fire sadly and they call you nuts for speaking truth but as we can see who really are the crazy its not us!

Poly Ethylene Glycol coats graphene oxide that is in the clot shots. Graphene oxide aka graphite is what is causing the magnetism and all the adverse events. There is no such thing as spike protein. I am doubting that these shots are mrna gene therapy because what are they modifying? The metals aren’t undisclosed. They have aluminum and mercury in them. and PEG. They are hiding the graphene oxide. They hide it in makeup and beauty products. Stay away from anything that has PEG in it. It’s coating the GO which when mixed with water becomes graphene hydroxide. Graphene Flagship has been studying nanomedicine for 10 years. There’s another European one too. This woman may be sincere but she is a chelation specialist. I think you would have to be an engineer that specializes in nanotechnology to understand it. She is not understanding that PEG COATS the graphene oxide so they can shoot it into the body. You can find this on Graphene Flagship. There is small and large GO. The small GO causes less injury at the injection site. That’s why they coat it with PEG so it’s not the hydrogel causing the self assembly. It is the GRAPHENE OXIDE.

I wonder what happens when you point it at a smart meter?

That’s nice. I don’t see any voodoos. Watch after they do their thing. They’re spreading that cancer everywhere!!!!!

The voodoos are the sodomites of the Bible. If the snoggies (synagogue of Satan) hadn’t infested them among humans I don’t think you’d have the mass homosexuality and the psychotic transvestite madness and San Francisco and Paris would not be turned into shitholes. Voodoos, the monetary system and television, homosexuality, abortion madness, ingredients to add to a healthy society if you want to destroy it.

This must be a consequence of disruption of society by the covid lockdowns. The CDC is responsible for these shootings. Okay. that is just another possible way to explain stuff like this.

Got to be a whole lot now on top of all the paid trolls with their hundreds of sock puppet accounts . It’s a miracle anyone ever finds their way to the truth these days .

Masonry is really Islam, right. Or satanism. Homosexuality or transgenderism.

What happened?

I’m amazed that people can’t see that it’s taking place right now and as Rosa Koire stated they will get you off your land by any means necessary to force large segments of humanity into these 15 minute resilient smart cities to be monitored 24/7 the American people are dumbed down and stupid, I’ve been saying so long sweet land of liberty for a long time now.