
Code Blue Death. ??

I have been reevaluating some of my beliefs on 911, and while I believe that building 7 was emploded, I thought that the twin towers were taken down in the same manner, after reviewing many of the previous fires in California, and now Maui there are too many similarities for me to think that just explosives alone brought down those buildings, some new technology that we weren’t exposed too, in many of the images from the Highway of death from Kuwait to Iraq, many of those vehicles that didn’t have bullet and depleted uranium shot through them had similar burn signatures on them.

Looks like I’ll have to go through all the dirty looks again. But that’s ok. This time, instead of just ignoring them, the gloves are coming off. I’ll ask the masked f**kers why they are so stupid. They didn’t learn a lesson from the first bullshit scam?

I’ve noticed allot of strange things about this event that makes me curious also. Sometimes a guy gets a "feeling" that something isn’t right.

Seriously, fuck these clowns. This homey don’t play.

They’ve already completely blocked off lahaina with fencing and are now preparing the land for a new 666. Police and hired guards surround it for miles and miles. As for the video, notice how the guy stands right in camera view like he’s afraid he’ll be attacked and knows if he’s on camera Nick won’t do anything. The lack of context and the fact we have no idea what actual conversation took place doesn’t help either. Plus pretending you can know everything based on a crappy video is not good info at all. Thanks for posting anywho. Definitely a strange encounter. Communication and the subtle thoughts that are transmitted are by themselves not suspicious. Only the fact no one is aware of them to begin with. ESP anyone??

Yes I’m also fine with changing their mind and coming to the light because we all have also been their, but he’s is leaning towards what the MSM wants him to say and leave conspiracy theories out of equation.

Just the fact that similar blue items in Lahaina were fairly unscathed right next to ASH piles, PLUS the laser demonstration showing that blue gets hot but doesn’t burn is a truth unto itself. UV lasers are invisible and are the most powerful. Guess it’s time to see what the prices are on blue tarps and blue paints.

I was going to share another guy’s investigation, until I found out he’s set up a go fund me page. Homey don’t play that.!

I am fine with someone changing their mind or whatever- but what weirded me out about this guy in the first place is how he’s always asking for money.

Since when has media not been allowed to return to a disaster zone many days after? That alone is suspect.

We need to go Pulp Fiction on anyone who speaks in defense of......."Say wildfires again! Say wildfires again! I dare ya! I double dare ya, motherfucker! Say wildfires one more goddamn time!"

Fuck You Brian Schatz and your "New Normal."

I have already written this guy off as a legitimate truth seeker, he has previously called them wildfires and said they were started by downed power lines, in another video he said don’t email me about DEW’s and on his recent video on YT he said stop the nonsense, and look at the science, but science looks at all the evidence and doesn’t discount any evidence until it’s absolutely been disproven, in my opinion this guy is there to misdirect and is in bed with those that caused this genocide and is afraid to be categorized as a conspiracy theorist, this makes him no different than all the censored platforms out there.

Very interesting ! Jamie makes some good points that are quite convincing ! Definitely not One O One Info. Frequency Weapons Beaming down! 5 G Everywhere. The Kill Grid looks to be almost complete. Death is graduation. Our Work is done . Then we are judged for our Deeds! Weather good or Evil . I believe Jamey is Correct on much of what he says. Not sure I agree with multiple reincarnation. If we overcome our own desire to do evil, I believe we come back to Earth. The Meek Will inherit the Earth . Thank you Jamie for good info!!

Those niggers don’t even belong there. It is extremely evident at this stage in time that the niggers are absolutely soulless; void of empathy, compassion, TRUTH, care, integrity...humans and TRUTH will die if we don’t fight back this horde. And all masonry, the vatican, the church the homosexuals...they all belong to the nigger hive-mind. The defund the police was a complete masonic mind-fuck. All the african victimhood is and has been a lie. They were created by satan or by some alchemy made by the snoggies, those that call themselves Jews but are the synagogue of satan (the famed golem that was to come help them spread their evil at night) and that’s when most voodoos and evil doers work. at night. But, if they’re wearing baphomet costumes then they’re protected by all masonry, and zionists, and homosexuals, and jesuits and all the shit of the earth that has risen somehow to control the money supply and therefore the entire earth. There are psyops to make us hate each other but these creatures were created to be destroyers and liars and "by any means necessary" drug dealers, pornographers, pimps, rapists,...EVIL. Soon they’ll be no white-skinned creatures in police uniforms. They still do evil but the ones that are born of satan’s ass are absolute evil where as those that choose to be bathed in a baptism of satan’s feces in some freemason lodge or other shithole are evil but don’t come close to the "niggers." If you watched that little nas video where he’s climbing and grinding on satan’s groin. Satan is a nigger in that video and I think that’s TRUTH they’re showing. Those creatures have GOT to be the sodomites of the Bible. The angels came to see Lot and the sodomites were like rabid dogs on the scent, they wanted to ass-fuck those creatures. Those creatures are horrifying.

Nigger’s are the shit from Satan’s ass. Seriously. These fucking nigger’s are not human. They are absolutely evil incarnate.

Running to freedom...but not so fast. There was a white kid in a small compact car today who zoomed by with a cop in hot pursuit. And soon after another cop. All I could think was " runaway slave".I hope he makes it to safely.

Was that at the Renaissance fair

It was refreshing seeing a classroom full of kids pushing back against the LGBTQ+ agenda bullshit.