
We have to track down the perps and hold to account. This is encroaching much too fast. Must stop them in their tracks, or they will do this everywhere, working their way eastward.

A Dutch company named Fugro has this technology

ISIS = ISRAEL SECRET INTELLIGENCE SERVICE This goes way back to when United States maneuvered the Soviet Union to invade Afghanistan (according to Zbigniew Brezeinski) creating and assisting the Mujahideen Freedom Fighters with Stinger shoulder fired missile weapon system to counter the Russian Hind Helicopter which was decimating the Mujahideen, and it was said that this is what turned the tide in their favor, The Mujahideen later became what is now known as ISIS, even Hillary Clinton commented that it was the United States that created ISIS.

3:30 - Clue #9 is actually - The prior run-in with a convenient witness to establish a witness / history and back up the fabricated motive. Somehow, nothing ever happens when these violent and unhinged people have encounters with others before the big incident.

I wonder when exactly this stuff was switched on.

They control and disseminate AND block ALL information everywhere at the exact same time. The mantra they push? Victimhood with a liberal dose of feelbads aka negagtivity. The truth is simply that the entire country does not need to know about every negative thing they can pull out of their asses just so we can get butthurt over the lies they push to distract, divide, and ultimately destroy us with. That being our attention. This is not a newsworthy item to begin with. It is simply negative energy pushed down our throats. And that in and of itself is their intent and their weapon. The question is are you actually going to give them that energy, your attention? News Of Life and Death. Streaming to you now for free.

Could have been any color swastika on the AR style rifle but it had to be white, not red not green or yellow, it had to be white yeahhhhhh. Another thing that may not register with anyone but me, is that the rifle was from PSA Palmetto State Armory, and that sounds eerily similar to the last name of the white racist murderer especially when spoken by a number of people, there may be no correlation at all but these evil bastards will come up with anything if they think it will strike a note in the group of individuals being targeted. The firetruck also had Tower 7 on it also a reference to 911 and Building 7, IMO, and September 11 is coming up soon, and all of this could be interconnected, not facts but possible clues like your gut feeling that something isn’t right about all of this.

Dew in action !notice when sky flashes light on plane flashes at same time

153 is the best but I have to show truth in anyway possible! I don’t promote other sites

Look dew in action its the military!!!

Wow lol at this dew attack

LOL, FTNWOnTA comes in with the change agent bullshit.rnrnGreat video Charlie. rnrnYa know, i’ve never believed in the lizard people thing, but ill be goddamned if that dude aint a lizard >.< neck for dayz. LOLrn(that’s a joke btw, people)

Looks like it was made in a studio. The lighting is not natural. The video stops at the worst spot which it would never do in this situation, unless it was fake. People in the comments are claiming that that thing was a stalker seeking to do harm to nick because he was going around asking about missing kids. Now they say nick himself is missing.

There is 0% of me that believes this out of shape flamer is or was a fireman. He may have been some type of assistant instructor, but I highly doubt he Fought fires, and even if he did, he has no soul he didn’t address any of the anomalies. all he did was ramble about how San Diego was a true Fireman effort. He forgot the fact that there was no fireman effort in Lahaina, the fire was out by the time the firemen got there the buildings were vaporized he never spoke about the molten metal coming from the vehicles the engine blocks that were melted, the rims he didn’t address anything. the blue umbrellas that didn’t burn. the green that was still on trees next to the fires the fact that there were no bushes or trees next to a lot of the stuff that caught fire, and how did buildings turn to ash exactly fuck this guy. By the way, I bought a blue laser I think it’s 5000mw. either way I know for a fact it would not light dry vegetation on fire, that could potentially start a fire it can definitely burn paper and plastic bags and things like that and that cost me $60 but it was from China. It wasn’t from the store down the street this guy such a fucking liar they don’t have anything like that in the stores, it’s crazy how this guy gets a pass to tell all this bullshit and we are the ones that get Insulted, criticized and ridiculed when these bullshitters get praise such a backwards world

I’ve been thinking about 911 too. 1. Military grade smoke machines to obscure the buildings. 2. Military strength EMP to disable all electronics in the surrounding area. 3. Buildings gutted prior to their destruction. 4. Conventional explosives (TNT) to actually collapse the buildings under the cover of the smokescreen. 5. DEW applied periodically throughout the process to "clean up the mess".

Thank you for your continued research into this subject.

Don’t worry! They are gearing up for another dance session, they’ll get it right this time.

The other thing that should be available are fire-fighting ships from the Navy that could shoot salt water on to the the fire.

This sounds very similar to my experience. If you are in a situation where you cannot avoid wearing one due to a specific circumstance, then just consider it a form of camouflage where you need to blend in with your surroundings.