
15 children and one teacher, yeah!

Don’t forget bookshelves in the bathroom.

Also amazing how these loser kids ( if real) would be able to afford all these badass guns, ammo etc.Sandy Hoax lives on.

Sounds like a lot of Jewish names, groomed and scripted. Dead bodies and doors blown off hinges? They never mentioned those blockbuster rounds that Adam Lanza had in his arsenal used for exploding the hinges off doors.

Such a total fraud, and yet the entire world believes it.

In response to your earlier comment and this one, yes, we do know who is behind fake news and we also know that Jews play both sides of the stage. I have gone through a couple of the videos from the page you posted. This one is also fake:rn the little girl’s expression change from distress to a smile as she moves off camera.rnThis one is also fake:rn clown singing on the floor - this is reality to you?rnrnWhat is happening behind the scenes is unknown, but all this crap is propaganda.

I agree. A.I. certainly can’t be anything close to original thought but they most likely will have an animated Hitler apologizing for the gas chambers and soap, in far off generations.

Knowing the brutal IDF, I’m certain they are bombing and killing Gazans by the thousands. I don’t blame the Palestinians for making propaganda videos. Just know the first casualty of "war" is the truth.

I assume this is supposed to be an inspiring story of a noble struggle against adversity. But I can’t be the only one who is disgusted by the all the smiling faces that never seem to be willing to consider the real reason this happened to this woman and too many others since 2021. No one will ever convince me that had she not allowed a random minimum wage drug store clerk or other hellcare worker to pierce her skin with a hollow needle and inject some unknown something into her precious body she would not still be able to clap her hands and run marathons. If my limbs turned black like that I would literally lose my mind and any will to live. Just saying.

There is definitely faking going on by the Palestinians. I’ve seen other videos of allegedly dead bodies with no flies anywhere. Frankly, you would have to be there to know what’s actually happening.

The young boy does look like he is faking it .

Oh and the woman caught in adultery who should have been killed, it really had nothing to do with her crime per se. Every single one of these people attacking the woman were breaking Torah themselves. The law of adultery is you bring the man and the woman before the accusers, not the woman or man alone. You both get to be stoned outside the city gates if your guilty. So all those law breakers were trying to convict her by breaking the law themselves. Messiah took them all to school. You don’t want to get into a debate with Messiah Yahushua aka Jesus.

and that’s one of the only times someone gets to live when they do something like that. Everyone else goes outside the city gates. Same for cheating on your husband or wife. Thata a death sentence.

The first time I studied the laws about rape I was abhorred. This is a law to actually protect a woman believe it or not. In the land of Israel, how things were supposed to be is a woman was taken care of by someone. In the event a woman is raped, instead of killing the guy like every single one of us immediately think is just, this guy must not only marry her but he must never divorce her. As strange as this is for us to get if a woman was raped and left then there is a good chance that when her dad and immediate family dies she would become stranded and left unprovided for. I guess it’s how the culture was and probably should be. It is one of the only really hard commands to figure out.

You haven’t even seen the video. Kevin Booth is a dead giveaway. KB was best friends with Bill Hicks, then with Alex Jones. Kevin Booth (owner of Sacred Cow Productions) has worked with both Bill Hicks and Alex Jones. Both Bill Hicks and Alex Jones lived/live in Austin Texas.

rn See Rosa Koire sustainable development a United Nations plan to control everything on earth, and everything has to first be torn down and be replaced with their utopian or distopian anti God antichrist plan.rn

Rosa Koire said before her death that this is the inventory and control plan by the United Nations sustainable development to have control over all land all plants all water all food all means of production all human beings in the world, if I missed anything you can review it here.......

What are the 9 most terrifying words in the English language? I’m from the government and I’m here to help. ..... From a Ronald Reagan quote.

Simple. Ignore the orders. Time to stop fearing a non existent gov.

This is the ongoing 4th and fifth generation attack on humanity I did a previous video about.