
Revelation 3:9 Behold, I will make them of the synagogue of Satan, which say they are Jews, and are not, but do lie; behold, I will make them to come and worship before thy feet, and to know that I have loved thee.

Yup. I have an old friend that just don’t get it. I text him video links from time to time. He’s still on the Israel is the only Democracy in the middle east kick. Still, it’s good to study how people think, informed or not, we still have to deal with them.

All agenda 2030 those still discussing either party do not get it.wake up

Absolutely, things are going according to their plan.

All these scumbags from NASA, to the 9/11 fucks, and now to these assholes , just walk. The parasites in charge can do whatever they want, and the sheep have Zero pushback. THEY only pull it off subtly so not to spook the sheep all at once. Got to keep them on their toes in enslavement for eternity.

controlled ops.... brought to you by the hexagram.... always truth without the Truth.

And the creators of this video not the uploader, failed to mention the left and right are 2 wings of the same bird and they , the ones on top of the pyramid , control by dividing, and one of their mottos is , order out of chaos. Their goal is a one world government and a new world order. Their goals take time and years of slow but steady conditioning. Agenda 2030.

Love Dr. McCullough, but it absolutely was designed to harm people, 100% certainty.

I never knew that you had to admit wrongdoing before you could be prosecuted

How the hell anyone can deny that this was not a DEW attack is beyond comprehension. The sooner the poor sods of that island wake up to their COVENments involvement in this monumental evil ,the better.

She did it just to try and get a modeling or acting job. Halter top and all...100%

This advertisement is currently being rammed into people’s eyeballs and ears, across the nation. People who have watched this video first, will certainly get a laugh. Anyway, with enough of these critiques and inquiries into reality, it may become habitual for the new guys to question what they are being fed by the media.

They are Ashkenazi. All of them...and, as rich merchants, they have infested everything.

I read on a French web-site that all Masons, who achieve the 33rd Degree, become honorary Jewish. Whether that’s true or not, I have no idea. In the first case - these people are not Jewish. They invented that term in the 18th Century. The word, ’Jew’, was not known before that. In the second case, they all come from, what is now known as, ’Ukraine’ (funny that), but was Khazaria, in the past. These ’people’ are neither , ’Semitic’. nor Jewish. Their conversion to Judaism was political. Their language is Yiddish. Honestly, the Welsh language is closer to, ’Semitic’, than their Yiddish.

Look into what Barbara Lerner Spectre had to say about the, ’Monolithic White Culture of Europe’, and how the Jews can, not only change that but, be at the heart of it.

That’s a fact...but, Biden and Co are every government and, supposed, opposition in every country in the Western world. And, probably, beyond.

I can’t help thinking that, in the basement of Langley, there are people (if you can call them that) falling about laughing about what, ’the people’, are prepared to believe. I can, almost, hear them saying, ’Look! They bought this! Let’s really push the envelope next time’. And they do. They might even bet on it.

If you love Israel 1st America will always be last and this evidence has played itself out.

I understand all this stuff is bad for your heart, but what exactly does that leave you to eat? No vegetables, no fruits, no honey, no plants, no wheat, no bread, no rice. Mankind has been living on this stuff for millenia and now its all bad for ya? So were supposed to eat only mercury filled fish, antibiotic filled chicken and beef and pork?

at minus 34:54. Animal products = coconut oil? HUh?