
Google search September 11 , 2001 scheduled drill . There were at least 6 such exercises scheduled for that day . Anyone who has done any research on 9/11 should be aware of the multiple drills that were scheduled for that day .

Are you serious ? Just google search "September 11 2001 scheduled drill" . That is common knowledge that has been out there since day one .

The same thing is happening with Libya.

"but you cannot prove that 3000 people died either." 9/11 was on a Tuesday, people work during the weak, people work in those buildings, and the buildings collapsed. Contrast that with the claim that not a single person was in any of the three buildings with no proof of a drill or notice from employers to employees to not come to work that day. Your demand for absolute proof is something you yourself failed to provide with your own theory. I don’t need to provide absolute proof 3000 died as in rounding up all death certificates or something like that. The issue is which theory is more credible based on the evidence available.

Where’s the evidence for the scheduled drill?

She talks too fast.

Of course the buildings collapsed . I have spent thousands of hours on 9/11 , hundreds of those trying to track down one single legit victim with zero success . That and the fact that out of 3000 supposed victims the largest piece of any victim found was bone fragments the size of a quarter . Come on , not one body , they were all vaporized ? This research and the photos that were up for about two hours , just days after , before being scrubbed from the internet , showed that every single street intersection in a half mile perimeter was blocked off by fire trucks and ambulances . There was nobody inside that perimeter that morning due to the exact same scenario drill that was scheduled that day . 9/11= NO planes , NO terrorists and NO deaths . Just another bad movie presented to the sheep courtesy of the criminal corrupted and controlled mainstream media .

Exactly , timed . Another warrior , I like her enthusiasm , we need a million more just like her .

I guess she takes speed but she needs some tranq. Ahahahha

Are they talking of wtc7?

I have spent thousands of hours on 9/11 , hundreds of those trying to track down one single legit victim with zero success . That and the fact that out of 3000 supposed victims the largest piece of any victim found was bone fragments the size of a quarter . Come on , not one body , they were all vaporized ? This research and the photos that were up for about two hours , just days after , before being scrubbed from the internet , showed that every single street intersection in a half mile perimeter was blocked off by fire trucks and ambulances . There was nobody inside that perimeter that morning due to the exact same scenario drill that was scheduled that day . 9/11= NO planes , NO terrorists and NO deaths . Just another movie presented to the sheep courtesy of the criminal , corrupted and controlled mainstream media . CGI , controlled demolitions and crisis actors , all part of a bad movie , but it worked .

Right on the money ! All the buildings in the area were empty due to the scheduled drill that day . A drill that just happened to be the exact same scenario of planes hitting the towers . But of course just another coincidence ...

Yep , all part of the giant shitshow we know as 9/11 . A shame the world doesn’t know there was a drill scheduled for that morning with the exact scenario of what supposedly actually happened . They had the roads blocked off out to a half mile out with firetrucks and ambulances . All staged for the giant photo ops to come . CGI , controlled demolitions and crisis actors , all part of a bad movie , but it worked .

Yeah. Seems like they do now. Katrina, and the Hillary one more recently. Hurricane Hillary. I’m sure that name was picked at random. Can you imagine the glee on the creatures face when the hierarchy came back from a meeting with satan and voodoos and the pope and told Hillary. "They’re creating one now and they’re naming it after you, Hillary." Oh, she must’ve been like a little girl with a new pair of roller skates. There always improving, I’m sure, but...I’d even guess they do earthquakes like fukushima. Even the San Francisco quake. Not even just the recent one for the world series between the As and San Francisco but I wonder if this thing that obfuscates history didn’t do the big 1906 Earthquake. And, different subject, but the cow kicking over the lantern that burned down Mrs. O’Leary’s barn and eventually the entire city of Chicago.

Hey, what about the Geneva convention! Don’t these guys know there’s rules to warfare. And I’m an officer. I’m supposed to be afforded special privileges as a p.o.w. I declared myself a general.

His name is Sean...................he’s the real deal! Very well respected, he has been invited to meetings with police to help them learn and understand our rights.

Yup Yup Yup. They’re just one big club, and you (and me) ain’t in it.

There is no Republicans or Democrats, they are all working for the same end goal. It’s all an illusion to keep the masses distracted and divided.

You are right, I cannot prove that no one in the buildings died, but you cannot prove that 3000 people died either.

If you want to believe that 3000 people died that day, go ahead, but I don’t think so.