
Yes and with birth rates going down in America even before they rolled out the toxic Kool-Aid, and the birth rates of immigrants being very high especially from our southern border, it definitely is an attack on our way of life and to give them a continuous stream of Democratic voters to keep them in power. PS the Republicans aren’t much better, they are in on the scam.

I know the dual-nationalities: Slovakia and Lithuania! Oh, you mean the Kissingers and Gene Simmons and Brezinski. Occupied Palestine and the Cherokee Nation.

Bingo on step 1&2. They want you in debt and brainwashed.rn

Why does Tim still insist fires were not dew? Is Tim blind? Is Tim dumb? Or is Tim controlled opposition? Which one are you Tim truth-not! Cause them fires are dew! Even demon hunter says something fishy about what you say!.. I pray you tell it like it is a dew attack murder for wef and who and nwo agenda sorry...tell the truth Tim God sees all! Dew no doubt!

Excellent , never heard this before . I just hope it comes to be .

seems like ive seen video of some of this already out like the ventriloquist

Maybe the delivery wasn’t so good but she delivered! Some good info. Thank you.

Socialism/communism never works. Why are these people so ignorant? Fascism is the combining of government and corporate power. Communism is the government owns all forms of production. These are two sides of the same coin. Power never goes to the individuals. It remains with those in control. So, they want to take power away from the US CEOs and give everything to Klaus instead? This is better? What planet is everyone on?

Its fast because tik tok has a time limit and she’s trying to get all of the info into one video is all.

I think her voice was sped up or at least I would hope so.

I’ll never forget that. I worked across the bridge in New Jersey when that happened. All those innocent people were sacrificed. I hate living in this world.

For that theory to be credible you need proof employees were not in the building. I understand the media lies constantly but three buildings collapsed on a workday and to prove no one was in the buildings requires evidence. Saying the media lies, in itself, is not proof there were no employees in the building or that they were somehow evacuated beforehand.

The buildings were probably evacuated long before the ’attack’. They have wanted to demolish the buildings for several years as they were full of asbestos and there were high costs to decontaminate them. Since the News pointed out that these office buildings were full of people, we can be pretty sure that they were not.

Do you have evidence employees from all buildings were told to stay at home by all their employers?

Photoshop Terror rn

The buildings were empty. They wouldn’t need fake victims if there were real ones.

No deaths? Are you arguing the buildings did not collapse?

Sean Paul Reyes of Long Island Audits is a HERO and I have never seen him harass anyone but I have seen him harassed by the ignorant citizens and public officials who don’t have a clue about citizen’s rights . He exercises his constitutionally protected activity to film in public granted by the first amendment . He audits public taxpayer funded employees of the people at publicly owned buildings . He has a right to be there and film whatever he can see in public . These butt-hurt worthless losers and the public officials they stand by have no right to privacy when they enter the public domain . He tests the waters for government officials who are openly willing to violate the oath they have taken and more times than not they do exactly that . If you don’t understand how important these auditors are and the sacrifices they make standing up to a tyrannical government for all of our rights then you never will and anyone who thinks like that should seek a career in law enforcement .

She’d make a good teacher for the NWO. When class is over, the students still know nothing. There’s nothing like slow and clear enunciation if you’re really trying to get a point across. I could understand her urgency, but only if the building was on fire.

People like this lady are the problem.