
Signs signs everywhere a sign, blocking out the scenery breaking my mind, do this don’t do that can’t you read the signs.

great video

Get real, you’re kidding right? This guy has millions of followers on multiple platforms. Do a little research and check out his videos. (Long Island Audits) I have watched hundreds of his videos and this is exactly how the American sheep react. They are braindead zombies and this is, no doubt about it, 100% REAL.

Not sure what you are saying. In my opinion, this is staged.

Drivers License Office and the government agents refused services to everybody until the person exercising their Constitutionally protected right left the facility. Supreme Court upheld decision that there is no expectation of privacy when in public and this is a public building. He should have shown up with a camera crew with 20 cameras and stuck them in every one of their faces. "Can’t you read the signs, can’t you read the signs?" says it all. A pack of government worshipping herd mentality sheep.

No recording? Are you serious?thing is that this appears to be a Secretary of State or an Unemployment Office, and like everything today you are recorded incessantly by the State, and people have acquiesced without any protest whatever, but object to someone else recording, regardless he should have honored their request not to tape them or wore a GoPro body cam and done it covertly like the government?

Not a setup, he is considered the top auditor in the country. TikTok: longislandauditrnLong Island Auditrn246.1KFollowers2.9MLikesrnrn1st Amendment Audits in NYS Subscribe to our Youtube Channel for full videos

also, thanks for the subtitles

notice how it is edited? This is a setup.

I found one so far... JIM FETZER The Raw Deal (3-8-19) death and replacement of Paul McCartney. And I love the New JFK Show too. You kick ass.

That is EXACTLY how to do it.

I think that was the point... no difference

former vets, ex-masons, ex-satanists revealing the TRUTH. Some are legit. We don’t want to miss it if someone has actually come around and is revealing what satan is doing. But, like everything, we have to be careful what info we run with. I know that water doesn’t curve around the globe like they suggest. So, NASA is full of shit. I can come to terms more with things that are NOT TRUE but finding the TRUTH is sometimes more difficult.

Yes he has written books about it, go to

Our ZOG government gives us 2 choices to vote for: Lethal injection or a Firing squad.

10 September, 2023 Dark night, around 7 or 8 pm. There was, what I at first thought was a chem trail but the sky was dark and the trail was very light. Then I saw they were twenty-or-so lights in a straight line heading straight east from over the eastern sierras to the west, they went through the sky and disappeared from sight as they headed towards the Pine Nut mountain range. They made absolutely no sound.

That guy could not be a more condescending jerk. I get it, but what a fool. He may be right, but that’s not the way to do it. Also, no journalist with integrity would use a vertical video frame.

This is also part of a Rothschild Occult Ritual as Adam was originally a hermaphrodite and was split by Jehovah (who they see as evil) and now we have reached our optimum split and are returning to our original state of bliss.. hermaphrodism. Its hard to comprehend this but it not important what I think because im powerless but it matters what they think. Im not sure if they think they are exacerbating this or its purely to demoralize us and kick us off our lands so weathy jews can have as Rabbi Rebonovich puts it "we jews need a WORLD of our own...."

All is lost!

This is pushed to get people to watch transgender porn. Like when the media starts reporting on a new drug on the streets. Presumably to warn people of it but it serves as a marketing tool for addicts to garner interest.