
Well, looks like these two masons are on their first day at the job. The semi-human-looking one was stuttering like he was covering up for a crime. The other one was, gee, I was only initiated into the boule nigger’s last.night and I’m already a news anchor. It’s TRUE what they told me. Join us and we will place you in positions of authority and jobs that you’re completely unqualified for but, you’ll be serving Satan and it pays well.

Yeah, and what does a bank error in our favor ever get us, I think it was a ten dollar card. Might be the "you just won a beauty contest" prize was bigger than the bank error. rnrn

It certainly was the event that anyone stupid enough to think that ftm Zionist Judas Goat Trump was their saviour could finally realize, "wow, that Trump is a white nigger! Yes! He not only told the lemmings to come to the capitol, then opened the gates to the parlor and said come on in AND he faggot-ass was a no-show (very reminiscent of Reg in Life of Brian when they invade Pilates Palace but Reg, who was their leader couldn’t go because "he had a bad back." All the bullshit from that.pig faced transvestite and then he gave a speech about how the very people that fell for his bullshit need to be prosecuted. Hey, there’s gangs of nigger’s going around cities cold-cock sucker punching human females in the face and then when she goes down they stand over them and punch them and kick them. This is not a surprise to those of us that grew up with nigger’s I just hope humans know, there is no war in Ukraine or Russia. Those.okaces are owned by nigger’s and their actors playing the leaders swallow nigger loads. They are freemasons, after all. But, if you are a human go NOWHERE without a loaded weapon. When the nigger’s come at you, kill them.

They want us all sick and dependent on Big Brother. There’s no money to be made with a quick kill. They want to drain every cent out of us that they can.

And STILL "crickets " from the gun owning fraternity. Let alone the treasonous cops and military, who are more concerned with promoting the queer and feminazi agendas. At least ,they ( on paper) have a chance to go down resisting this satanic 666 sh-t show. And to NOT go silently into the night.

Anyone still believing ugly repulsive liars such as this bitch . Quite frankly deserve all that`s heading their way Hope this sow is taking the "real" deal ,AND the maximum ammount

Indeed and Iran is the last country on that list.

Really? And they’ll get away with it. I spoke to some store owner and she said "I’m not putting a mask on again!" Yay. Then she said, "I’m going to get one of those plastic barriers.". Wait, but...der...kookoo. The niggerization of humanity is near completion. And how many numbnuts are biting their nails, "please, don’t cancel football. Don’t cancel football!"

Like dangerous guy says, all those scenarios may have TRUTH. He DID do a powder puff fall and not one of those head crushing falls you sell on cctv footage out of Asia. Or the comedienne that made a joke about Jesus and slammed her head. Damar gently fell on his ass. Then, everyone around him knelt down except the guy named Neil. He was surrounded by 33 coding when he fell. Plus, the whole thing, as it was happening, certainly resonated as unusual behavior. They may have sacrificed him or maybe he’s off where Koby is or Prince (currently playing his own sister no one ever had heard about.). One way or another the story is bullshit. It is funny how they are bringing it up again. Personally, who gives a fuck. Football lost it for me around ’84 when the niners were playing Dallas and I could see Dalls just blatantly throwing the game. And I bet that whole "The Catch" with, who was it, Dwight White or something? I bet that whole play was prehearsed. It’s like Vince McMahons wrestling. While I’m sure these are very fit athletes, it’s all a show. And there are those strange-behaving balls in basketball, football, golf that seem to defy physics.

Not just Damar Hamlin. We humans are inspired by ALL the sell out nigger freemasons. And it’s so nice to know that niggers come in all colors. And tens of thousands of people show up, and a million more at home to watch sell-out fag-fucking filth run around and slap each other on the ass. Cause that’s what grown men do. They play with balls and slap each other on the ass and go back to the locker room and then the hotel room and then the secret chamber of their covens and lodges and sodomize and copulate each other and all kinds of other satanic-inspired behaviour. I especially liked Damar’s little nigglet he brought out after he was resurrected after three days and the two chimps three up all the requisite hand signs. Love them masons. They don’t have to even say, "were fags" they just flash a hand sign here and there, cover up an eye, roll up a pant like say "33" and "it was just like a movie" and "as above so below" Hey, and we all say, "Yay, another cock sucking sodomites.!"

All this simply because we allowed the satanists to control the money of the earth and we all agree to continue to use it. Money and television. Government , secret societies and other homosexual covens being allowed to operate withing the society.

I did the math and it was actually five hundred zillion human lives were saved by the vaxx and three puppies, a turtle and three dromedaries, the ones with the single hump. ? Not the double-hump ? camels. They all died of COVID because they listened to some stupid rumor that said that Bill Gates was going to kill them via a final-solution poison injection.

Thanks. Now I don’t have to make that comment. Statements like that are so blatantly ridiculous. This is like the freemason cop at sandy hook saying only information coming from them should be given credibility.

As I watched the news report on that day, that’s the first thing that came to mind. I thought, imagine if all that was real, and they were all armed to the teeth, and ready to rock and roll. It meant little to the average viewer at the time, but the guilty obviously had a pants full, judging by their overblown and ridiculous response since then.

Please. The "storming of the Capital" is a day that THEY want to live in infamy? Fuck these clowns, we should have REALLY overtaken Washington and thrown everyone out: Pres, VP, Congress, Senate, House, Secretary, etc, etc, etc, every single one of them, run ’em out of town emptyhanded after being tarred and feathered naked in front to the Capital on tv for all the world to see. (Like STJ, I don’t see it ever happening, but it’s a nice thought.)

There is hope. If enough people learn the truth about the criminals behind all this, the world will become a better place. Simply because positive change will become inevitable. Just as this slippery slope into oblivion has been created by the few, it can also be undone by the many.

You got that right .

It’s a good thing there’s a pill for most of those maladies. If there isn’t, there soon will be.

You’re absolutely right. The only thing these three events have in common, is that they were all crudely contrived propaganda events, meant to sway the minds of anyone blind and unthinking enough to believe the story, the sheeple. As usual, the very same criminals are amending history, to suit their purpose. Clearly seen in this foolish cow’s blustering cacophony.

At operas house playin their hoses